[@Joshua Tamashii] [hider=] [quote=@Joshua Tamashii] [center][color=ed1c24]Joshua Tamashii[/color] [@Overlord24][@Joshua Tamashii][@luna558][@Alisdragon911][@Roseletta][@Nikki Moonlight][@Blueflame][@Framing A Moose][@Animera][@Blade17][/center] Joshua caught the keys that were tossed to him before turning to watch as Souls moved towards him, and proceeded to shout in his face, a slight frown on his face. He could smell the remnants of alcohol on her breathe. He cast a quick glance around before using his power to form something to cover Skylar's ears, seeing it as unnecessary for such a young girl to hear the language Souls was using. Once the teen was done, he looked back down at her. "[color=ed1c24]Well, that's your own fault now ain't it[/color]." He said to her calmly. "[color=ed1c24]Maybe if you spent less time drinking, you wouldn't have such a headache now, wouldn't you? Sides, why should I care about you minor hangover when I've seen children much younger then you come in here in conditions that they barely lived through? Spare me the pity party and move on[/color]." Turning around when he heard Rose approach, he nodded. "[color=ed1c24]Hai, hai. I know he is, I'm just surprised he hasn't shown up already. Probably helping Satoko and the others in the kitchen I would imagine. Speaking of supper, are we going to try and get little Amelia out of her room this evening? The girl could probably use some fresh air[/color]." He said to her before turning back to the group. "[color=ed1c24]Alright, show of hands, other then demon girl here, would you all like a quick tour now or would you prefer to be taken to your rooms? Keep in mind, you can take the tour anytime, just ask a fellow resident or caretaker. Most of the former and all of the latter will be more then happy to help you. Now, raise your hands if you want to go to your rooms first.[/color]" [/quote] [/hider] Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Also, how tall is Joshua?