Silverwind wasn't entirely sure what happened, but it was one of those moments like others he'd been involved in before. He was eating a clover sandwich, enjoying a normal morning, and then the music started. And, like most ponies, he got swept up in the whole thing. It was one of those things about Equestria; sometimes big musical numbers just happened, and it was best just to go with it. Somehow, everypony picked the words and the choreography up quickly enough. The grey-furred pegasus was no different, and he joined in heartily with the musical number. A pink earth pony with a mane like bubblegum was leading the routine, and she looked [i]kind of[/i] familiar, though he couldn't quite work out where from, but he was too distracted to think about much. A few moments later everypony was dispersing back to their mornings, and he was blinking at the introduction of the young draconnequus - that had been surprising, as he'd thought Discord had been the only one of those. And oh, hey, there was Discord. The scout blanched and did a double-take. The spirit of chaos! He didn't [i]seem[/i] to be wreaking devastation this time, like the last time Silverwind had seen him in a theater in Canterlot, where the conniving avatar of chaos had tricked a whole theater of ponies into having their magic drained by Tirek. That had been one of the most terrifying moments of his life, and the hours afterward had been more so, as the demonic centaur had ground Equestria under his hooves, and he'd been among the pegasi to have his own magic drained- He snapped his wings, cutting off the thought - it wasn't something to revisit. As it was, it seemed like things were peaceful; so, warily, he turned back to the cafe and his clover sandwich, and his drink. "Ponyville sure is a weird place," he muttered to himself as he took another bite of his sandwich.