[hr][center][@Dojo][@Drag][@redbaron1234][@KaiserElectric][@Megsychan][@Megsychan][@Holy Soldier][@wxps350][@dragonmancer][@The book of bad juju][/center][hr] Second obnoxious mass mention! But, here are the matchups for the very first round of the tournament. [b][h1]Round One of the Tournament[/h1][/b] [indent][indent][quote][h3] ■ Jonas Langer vs. Klara Grimolfdottir. ■ Brooklyn Vanburen vs. Chung Yeong-Suk. ■ SYM-04 vs. Lucas Miller. ■ Walter Duncan vs. Margot Coudray ■ The One vs. Jaden Raldo. [/h3][/quote][/indent][/indent]