[quote=@Dusksong] [@zarkun] [@silver fox] [@toadropes] [h3]Hi all! [/h3] As you may have noticed, a new organization has been added in the "CS" tab. This organization was the brainchild of [@luckyblackcat] and myself, and it's our first "antagonist" organization! Hopefully the creation of this guild will stir up some creative juices, spur some action, and draw some new people into our RP. I will be posting a new interest thread up specifically to recruit people into this organization, but will also be pitching the RP as a whole for added benefits. Our group, as you can probably see, has been growing smaller and smaller, and I'm eager to recruit new people. Sadly, many seem to feel that our RP is too "established" (which it is, but it also isn't). If any of you have friends or acquaintances you feel would find a place in this RP, (please) feel free to extend an invitation to them from me! I'm ready to take on any and all questions/concerns/thoughts and whatever else anyone has with the power I have as residing GM :) Cheers, Dusk [/quote] Sorry for my slower replying state. Been marathoning games as of late. Glad to see you all still working hard tho and hope I get some time and energy to continue playing ^^