[hider=Hanir][center][img]http://middle-earthencyclopedia.weebly.com/uploads/3/8/2/9/3829140/7693516.png[/img] [sub]Hanir | 38 | Human[/sub] [/center] [indent][sub]A P P E R A N C E :[/sub][/indent] [indent][indent]A tall and powerfully built man with tanned skin and coal black hair, Hanir takes great care of his appearance. To the point of being considered vain by the others. His hair is cut at a medium length, usually tied back inside the helmet or braided depending on the situation, while his jaw is covered by a carefully trimmed beard. And his forehead is marked by the tattoo of his family's heraldry, a black sun. Despite his obsession with maintaining appearances, Hanir has his fair shares of scars, which he more often than not tries to hide with a multitude of powders, oils and other products that are frustratingly hard to in campaign. [/indent][/indent] [sub][Indent]M I N D :[/indent][/sub] [indent][indent]As befitting of his aristocratic upbringing, Hanir is a firm believer in Order and Hierarchy. That is, for the world to work properly, power must be held by those of superior breeding and skill. As they are the only ones capable of ensuring the continued survival of ordered civilization. Needless to say, Hanir sees himself as one of these "Leaders". The fact that he has been disowned and is technically not part of the Saga clan anymore is but a minor obstacle. Once he finds a way to prove himself in battle again this mistake will be easily corrected. You just wait. Hanir's beliefs also state a clear code of behavior, duties, rights and privileges that come with rank. For example, a nobleman may live in wealth and opulence, but he also must prove himself worthy of the total obedience of his inferiors. While the serf must show total loyalty to his master in exchange of protection. Failure to follow these rules, at least according to Hanir, should be met with severe retribution. As a member of an esteemed and revered noble bloodline (never mind what the folks back home say, it was just a silly misunderstanding) Hanir believes that he deserves the privilege that come with rank. He also realizes that his current reality makes it impossible for him to fully enjoy his deserved rights. Likewise, if he's sometimes forced to behave in a way unfitting with a man of his status and breeding, well, the circumstances forced his hands. Adding yet another shame that will he will have to purge from his name. This need to wash his honor and regain his lost status are one of the main motivators for his devotion to the Legion. The other being the fact that as befitting his own code of honor,Hanir owes Tarkus and by proxy the Undying his total obedience as their servant [/indent][/indent] [Indent][sub]H I S T O R Y:[/sub][/Indent] [indent][indent]The Saga Clan was once one of the most influential and wealthy families of the Ilanid Confederacy, controlling the wealthy trade port of Tar-Mirish, a mighty merchant fleet and vast estates in the countryside. Then along came Caesius and his legions. The slaves rose up and burned the estates and farms, and the golden host outfitted by Saga-Mahur was slaughtered and routed. The Saga barely survived the war by switching sides, with vastly reduced prestige and wealth. Still they lingered, working with shrewdness and cunning to gradually restore their standing. By the time Caesius died, Tar-Mirish had yet to recover from the sack. Its walls decayed in disrepair (actually, one of the clauses of the treaty stated that the walls were not to be repaired before a century had passed)but the Saga had started to pick themselves up. It's here that Hanir comes in. The nephew of the current family head, he was sent to join the ranks of the Legion once he reached appropriate age. Both as a way to gain more prestige and connections and to act as a hostage to ensure his clan's obedience. When the civil war started, the then young man found himself fighting for Tarkus and the Imperial heirs against the Undying, while the rest of his clan pledged allegiance to the usurpers (the humiliation suffered in the hands of the Legion would never be forgotten). Unwilling to desert, for it would bring shame to his name, Hanir was officially disowned and cast away from the Saga Clan, never to return to their halls under pain of death. Usually this exile is a final sentence in Ilanid culture, though history and folklore are filled with tales of great heroes who manage to reverse their banishment after doing some grandiose deed and covering themselves with glory. Hanir has latched to this goal, convincing himself that he just needs to do enough to wash his honor and be accepted by his Clan. [/indent][/indent] [Indent][sub]M O D U S O P R E R A N D I:[/sub][/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT]Wearing plate armor and welding a thick shield and heavy morningstar, Hanir fights alongside the shock troops of the Legion. Oftentimes leading a wedge of soldiers to break an enemy shield wall or charging their flanks while they are pinned in place by the phalanx. Hanir fights aggressively, trusting his brute force to overwhelm the enemy and his plate to protect him while he does so. As befitting of his noble origins and training, Hanir also has a decent skill as a rider and with the lance. And though sometimes he is called upon to ride down the enemies of the Undying, Hanir is an infantryman through and through. His size has also meant that sometimes Hanir is called upon to take part in certain jobs that are, frankly, below someone of his breeding and rank. Such as carrying heavy loads, helping the sappers and whatnot. Still, he obeys, for this is his duty. [/INDENT][/INDENT] [Indent][sub]O P I N I O N S O N O T H E R S[/sub][/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT] TBD[/INDENT][/INDENT][/hider]