Sure enough, four creatures crawled out from the bushes and the early evening shadows soon afterward, looking a little like hairy, bipedal crabs. They don't make any noise, yet somehow everyone hears a faint chittering noise. It doesn't take long to figure out the source once the party knows they are there. [hider=JBRam2002 Rolls]Eldritch Blast: [12] + 5 = 17, [7] Force damage[/hider]Immediately, Draj fires a bolt of arcane energy into the nearest creature, sending a howling noise into his head. [hider=COMBAT!]Everyone roll initiative, post it in the OOC or in the game-related chat in our Discord server...or in PMs, I guess. As long as I get it. As I said in the homebrewery thing, combat is a single collaborative DM post so we don't have a ton of short posts or mood-killing megaposts. So send me, in the same methods as the initiative rolls, what you want your character to do, including any dialogue they wish to have and I will add the results in my post (with relevant rolls by you if necessary, of course). Everything in this post beyond this hider is combat. Please try not to post in here until combat is resolved. Initiative Rolls and Turn Order: -Angela: 22 -Harriet: 21 -Lorenthar: 20 -Meenlock Eins: 20 (Dead) -Meenlock Drei: 20 -Meenlock Vier: 15 -Draj: 9 -Evyrless: 4 -Meenlock Zwei: 3 (Dead)[/hider] With some warning about what they are attacking from Draj (after he himself blasted it), the group was fully prepared for whatever the meenlocks had to offer. The warning gave Angela a good chance to weaken the group for everyone else; she fired an arrow at the same creature Draj had blasted, sending a hail of thorns out to the other three. Taking advantage of the thorns, Lorenthar leapt into the fray, pinning the first of the creatures on the ground with a nice rend and throat-bite, like the big lover he is. Seeing its companion die, in addition to taking quite a few thorns itself, Meenlock Drei runs to the lion and slashes at him with one of its claws, for 7 damage. After this attack, it teleports into the nearby shadows. Meenlock Vier follows suit, digging one of its claws into him as well for 9 damage, before also teleporting to shadows on the other side. Harriet, after giving everyone a chance to catch up to her lead (clearly), teamed up with Draj for a shared attack - her with her whip and dagger, and Draj with his longsword. Unfortunately, Draj's curse on the creature took him just a [i]little[/i] too long, as Harriet's whip grabbed the creature's arm and jerked it out of the way and closer to her. (Likely) with a smug smirk to Draj, she jabbed her dagger into it, as well. With a flourish, she pushes the creature away...again thwarting an attempt on its life by her teammates, as Evyrless's rapier pierces the air where it had been. As she does this, a single holy note enters the big kitty's ears and he feels (4 HP's worth of) comfort. Meenlock Zwei, annoyed at being moved more than anything else, and looking quite haggard, grabs Harriet's arm, nearly breaking it for 9 damage before also teleporting away. It's not immediately obvious where it went...but almost immediately after doing so, the entire group can hear it fall on its face behind them, apparently overbalancing after the attack and the teleport. This time on the ground gave Angela a chance to fire an arrow at the creature, but her shot sailed over it, landing on the ground between its feet. Harriet follows the arrow, using it and her own skill to guide the dagger into the creature, then whipping it for her own sadistic pleasure. This attack was followed by a loud (and moist) cracking and squishing sound as the giant kitty crushes the creature like the giant insect it is, and roaring with such a powerful victory roar that he feels his health itself improve. Everyone hears the roar, followed by a screeching and clawing noise in their heads as the other two meenlocks run up to Angela and Evyrless, respectively. The one charging at Angela slashes with its claw, somehow finding purchase (but only just) in one of the few areas not protected by her armor, dealing 6 damage. Its friend (or whatever relationship they have) does the same in an almost perfectly (and arguably beautifully) synchronized attack on Evyrless, for 7 points of damage. Running over to save the priestess, in tandem with her, Draj swung his sword and hit! Only he didn't hit the meenlock. He hit the priestess' dagger. The two pull away, and in a smooth motion almost like a dance, Evyrless grabs her holy symbol and whispers to the Raven Queen for protection. There's a slight twitch from the creature as it watches her, but it is likely purely annoyance. The ranger by the other meenlock managed to fire a shot into it, even with it's attack claw slashing at her, and successfully pierced its thorax. It looked weak by this point, but was still able to stand. Seeing the little beast dead and the two rushing down her old flame and this new woman who was smoldering in her own right, Harriet sprang into motion. She dashed the distance between the beast and herself, cracking the whip in her right hand as she neared it then sliding to a hault and slamming her dagger down into the crab thing. It is clearly not doing well. Upon seeing Angela engage the enfeebled enemy, the big cat rushes past her, using her and her attack as cover to avoid an attack of opportunity, instead attempting to take down the last remaining enemy who seemed unchecked. Roaring up to it, the woodland beast swipes with both paws, left then right. It lands hard on the ground, when the beast takes a chunk out of the meenlock. While it clearly looks more stable than the other, it is also not doing well. (Through some miracle of rolling for them) both Meenlocks first retreat from everyone's minds, then teleport away into the shadows before running further. Evyr, Draj, and Lorenthar close the distance somewhat, and the first two send spells in the direction of the meenlocks. Draj's eldritch blast careens into a tree (because I wanted to say careen), and an icy, spectral hand reaches out for one of the creatures, but fails to latch on.