As Kiana approached the force room, she stopped outside and let out a sigh, she was afraid. She knew it wasn't good to feel such things, but she did. Canderous put his hand on her shoulder "Look up, General. You never know, she may become greater than you." Juana looked at him. "That's what I am afraid of." She steeled herself, putting on her best game-face. Walking into the room, she smiled as the child looked at her. "Greetings, young one." She began, before looking at the dent in the wall and then to the master. "I have come on behalf of Master Yoda. I am afraid to say that Master Yoda has deemed that Maru would learn more under my tutaladge." She said to him, she then looked down at Mary. "I apologise if you'd rather stay with Master Cain, but the matter is out of my hands. This is Canderous." She motioned to the Clone. "CC008, at your service, sir." He said, standing to attention, bowing to the Jedi Master. "I know it is unorthodox for a Clone to be here, but he is here for at my request. Ever since Krenax ascended to Knight, I have felt comfortable with having his council." She then bent down to the Youngling. "I have had several Padawans. I will not lie to you, I will do my best to make you into a Jedi, but it will not be easy. You will falter, you will cry, you will undergo great suffering. But at the end of it, you will be a proud member of our order. You can ask Knight Krenax and you will be able to ask Knight Peltin and Master Plo-Koon." She got up. Master Cain, is there anything you would like to say?"