[@Jeyma] High-fantasy style magic is acceptable, but so is your alternative. It depends on what the world your character comes from is like, and how magic is practiced there. In general though, I'm more favorable to magic with a sort of sci-fi aesthetic (think 40K or Dune), or sci-fi with a magic aesthetic (Eberron, the Elder Scrolls). [@Hylozoist] If I had to describe the tone at a glance, it would be "high adventure." We'll probably run the gamut between light-hearted fun, and dark revelations, so I would more advise making a well-rounded character that can adapt to varying moods. [@Jeyma] The morality of individual characters will obviously vary, but I'd say on average our crew ought to edge toward a lighter shade of grey. Not nice people, not even [i]good[/i] people, but not monsters. Great questions, all.