[center][i]Alright folks time for a lighting round of questions![/i][/center] [hr] [i]First. I'll make comments on all the submitted CSs as I get a chance to read through them. That being said nobody is actually going to get approved until what looks like [b]Friday[/b]. This is going to give you guys time to make them look super pretty and address any issues I may bring up. That and I'm going need some time time to work on and finish my own sheet / IC post since this is turning out to be a stupid crazy work week for me.[/i] [@Iuniper] Short Answer is because of lack of manpower everyone and thing has to pull double or sometimes triple duty. One day you might be riding in the saddle, the next you might be part of a sapper team though they try and throw you in roles that you show some aptitude in. If you want to get an actual break down of the total logistics of man power, amounts of dedicated archers, swords, spears and the like I can do that It'll just be a little bit. Sorcerers are a little bit different as typically the serve as more mobile siege weapons. They stay in groups to focus their fire over a larger area and produce bigger explosions in a long ranged support capacity . Occasional though when time calls for it individuals can be sent with smaller groups of soldiers when their support is needed typically to counter other sorcerers causes the best counter to a dude flinging creepy blood magic at you is for another dude to fling better creepy blood magic at them. [@boomlover] If you make a CS and I like it don't see why not! And also in regards to PM don't worry about, it I'll help you work it out if trouble arrives.