They chose YOU (survival RP based off of Don't Starve) [i]The water from the storm is what wakes you up. Gasping for air, you sit up and stare at the dark hooded figure before you. You vaguely sense that you are surrounded by foliage, but are largely focused on what the figure is pulling out of his cloak. A stone tablet is unceremoniously dropped in front of you, and the creature is suddenly enveloped in black smoke. It disappears, but in its place is a small object though it is not clear to you exactly what it is. Slowly you stand, and a single memory slowly finds a place inside of you. You remember their "delegate", though it's face is lost to you. A black mustache and a top hat were its defining features. " we know what you desire, and we have the means to attain it. All you must do is come to UNDERSTAND us, and what you truly want will be yours." The last you remember is a searing pain on your left hand, and a symbol appearing there. As you look around your surroundings, the storm worsens. You must survive to attain what you truly desire. [/i] (OOC) The idea for this roleplay is that you have been placed in a harsh world by a vague order, of which you only know as Them. They have promised you your truest desire, and in exchange you agreed to come here, wherever you are now. This will be mainly character driven, with each character having various different items and quirks. The main goal is to regain contact with Them, however an unspeakable act must be preformed before they will appear to you. After you succeed in the act, they will appear and You may ask one question before they depart. You can keep asking questions and doing acts until you escape the twisted world they put you in, or die (ex: how do I escape this world?).The questions may be anything you wish, and your unspeakable act is inscribed on the stone tablet you received in the beginning of the game. You may choose what your beginning act will be (ex: killing another player or preforming some sort of ritual). Also you receive a small trinket, which can be anything you like as long as it is not OP. the time you come from can be anywhere from late 1800s to early 1900s. Your character can have one great attribute that is extremely helpful, but also a large flaw that can actively hinder your survival efforts (ex: being super intelligent, but because your intelligence you are subject to deep depression and bouts of panic. ) Lastly, the symbol on hand is a mark of which of "them" has claimed you. This will be which one of them you will be interacting with the most, and who you will be asking your questions to. Each of the has a slightly different personality, and will react better or worse to specific questions. I'll be GM-ing as "them" but you can choose what symbol you have and what personality it has. You can choose to view "them" how you want, whether it be worship or hatred. Starvation and insanity are common deaths, but are preventable. Unspeakable acts will lower your sanity, and the lower it gets the less you can cohesively do things like talk or make complex objects. You can choose to team up with the other characters, or kill them and take their possessions, though their tablet and personal item are bound to them and will re spawn with them. If you die, you will respawn with a large sanity drop and your items back at the place where you died. If you want to get a basic view of a character structure or what the world looks like, refer to the game Don't Starve which this is heavily based off of. CS sheet: Name: Age: Amazing Attribute: Fatal Flaw: Appearance: Trinket: Unspeakable act: Symbol: Personality: PLEASE let me know if you're interested!!!