Anna, having only been paying attention to half of what Hunter was saying continued walking in silence for a couple seconds before most of it had registered. She turned to him, walking backwards now, to answer his question. She looked him in the eyes, not that he would be able to tell through her mask. "There were plenty of rumors about how that jacket of yours turned red. Most of them the same, involving you killing a bunch of marines. You know if you washed your clothes properly the stains would have come right out. Trust me, I know." It wasn't until she had turned back around and now had her back to him that the fact that he had just called her 'marine girl' registered in her mind. "Also I have no clue what you are talking about, why exactly did you call me marine girl?" She questioned feigning ignorance. She knew exactly what he was talking about. Rumors had been going around about the mercenary Dead Eye and her connection to the marines since she gained a reputation. Most being that she was a marine before going rouge and joining the underground as a hitman, that's why she wore the mask. To hide her face from any pirates she may have faced in her marine days. This of course was not the case and when questioned about her connection to the marines she would act like the person was an idiot and move along. She didn't like people knowing she was raised by a marine. After all she was old enough when she was abandoned to know that the man that raised her was not her father, that he had absolutely no relation to her, that he was just some guy her parents had thrust her upon, unfairly, to do who knows what with the rest of their lives. She shook her head, pulling herself out of her thoughts. Now was not the time to be thinking about this. She would see how Hunter responded and go from there.