Flying. Luna couldn't quite think of anything quite like it and her heart soared. She pressed up against the window, as far as her seat would allow, truly amazed. She studied everything she could see, taking it in, overwhelmed. The sights...she could never have guessed she'd see anything like it. [b]"oh, its breathtaking"[/b] and then she saw the houses, and there was a feeling of...discovery? Hope that they weren't all that was out there? Amazement that something put here. She was sure that whatever had survived here, it had to be strong. What would they think of them? Coming to them like this? Did they know what an aeroplane was. Would they attack? What would happen if they did attack? Would they be forced to fight? She shook slightly, from excitement and nerves, and perhaps a little bit of fear. She drew in a slow breath, and continued to look down, smiling at Edward's excited cry out, trying to take in as much detail as she could from where she was at almost drinking it in as she desperately wanted to be down there. The thought of people? New people, that they hadn't known about? That she, while had hoped of finding something else out there, hadn't expected to find? She reached up, and brushed back hair from her eyes, thinking on her father for a moment as Edward said how proud he'd be. She hoped he was alright, hoped that things were okay back home, that nothing had happened. As she looked down on this civilisation, Luna wished that he were here, seeing this with her. How he would love it. How it would make him happy. Oh, she just hoped he was okay. She hoped she'd get back, be able to tell him off everything. Be able to give him the life he deserved. She looked down on a civilisation that had survived, despite being isolated by a sea of storms. It enhanced her own hope that they could get home, and she willed the plane to land, so that she could find the answers to the many questions she had. [b]"oh, i hope they welcome us..."[/b] she said, trying to catch sight of the people as they went lower, but it was still too far away to catch any details, so she just watched, clutching her seat tightly, urging the plane on. The mere fact that there was this place...when they didn't think...didn't know that, it was possible....had these people tried to explore, only to be stumped by the storms as well? How did they get here? How had they survived? How far advannced were they? Looking at what she could see, it seemed that they were behind, just slightly, from the houses she saw. Yet perhaps they were advanced in other ways. She couldn't wait to meet them.