[center][h2][color=orange]Hildr Reinhardt[/color][/h2][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/51fc61ac770a524e9468f174afa94d7f/tumblr_inline_n1xc79Kcic1rb3m8r.png[/img][/center] It didn't take long for the real light show to begin, and it seemed most everyone was fond of shooting at angelic piƱata hovering on an island way below the Elder Valkyrie. The glare of the noon day sun briefly turned incandescent as it slammed down upon Zeruel in a display that ironically looked as though a being from on high were smiting a gnat if this gnat had not survived with barely a scratch for the Machina's efforts. [color=orange]"Looks like the Laguna pissed in someone's cornflakes- Oh, now if that isn't a familiar face I see!"[/color] Hildr exclaimed with a wide smile that bore her teeth in a decidedly predatory fashion. Shielding her gaze with a hand cupped over her brow, she leaned over the edge and gazed upon a different Machina now assailing the Laguna. Unlike those who struck and ran from the scene, this one seemed intent on barraging the angel like a living artillery piece and considering their output, the expression was rather apt in the Valkyrie's mind. [color=orange]"Yes, yes that must be little Ni-Mu! She was barely out of the conceptual stage last I checked, but now she's all grown up. Hmm, I should call Sigurn and the other Iron Bloods and see if they'll hang with her...kids still 'hang', don't they? Eh, I'll just call them later."[/color] It was high time she entered the fray, though the Valkyrie wasn't feeling like making a dramatic entrance preceded by napalm and lasers. She opted to take a step forward and let gravity take the wheel, plummeting straight down at high speeds with eyes now blazing silver as they bored into the Machina Prototype. A flicker of her ocular power and the Valkyrie went from officer apparel to [url=http://i.imgur.com/zAYYOhf.jpg]armor[/url] in the time it took to blink. Resplendent in her combat regalia, Hildr flipped in the air and straightened herself out into a humanoid missile with her Boots aligned with Ni-Mu's stationary form. [@KoL]