Kiril's eyebrows furrowed by themselves when he observed Atlas's Gear and the circuis that surrounded it. He didn't like it. It probably cost over fifty times the price of Ogre, and going into combat with such equipmקnt only meant one thing - every battle, whether they win or lose, is going to affect their reputation negatively. His gaze floated towards the slot where Ogre was stored. It wasn't getting as much attention, as it was an obscure repurposed construction model, although it did gain some laughs from the passerbys, pointing at its epaulettes. Fools. They will soon realize that a toy barbarian looking Gear is sort of funny in the hangar, but once it starts wiping the floor with them the funny will become frightening very fast. This was its main advantage - nobody knew what it can do, and by the time they get it it's already too late. Speaking of which - [Color=cyan]"So what does it do?"[/color] He made a wide gesture at the shining gear, the disdain in his voice clearly audible.