[quote=@Dark Lugia] It's futile to try to FORCE people to do something [u]over the Internet.[/u] Especially RPing/Creative Writing which is just a hobby. I think people who get into RPing to "COMPLETE" an RP are foolish. The sooner the "RP community" realizes that dropped RPs are a completely NATURAL AND EXPECTED RESULT of the Creative Writing Process, the sooner we can truly begin exploring our limits as writers. [b]RPs that END/Complete pretty much don't exist lol.[/b] (And there's nothing wrong with that.) [/quote] Just gonna scoot in here but a lot of the issue isn't the fact that said RPs don't get completed or are dropped. It's that people don't have the courtesy to shoot said former partners a quick "hey sorry, I've lost interest and don't think I can continue this, peace out!" (Or something to that effect) Yes I am guilty of this myself but damn I at least make an effort to let people know when I get to the point of knowing I'm never gonna be able to write another post for a certain RP As others have said it's also possible to get to satisfactory endpoints with RPs, I had one with a year-long or so run time that my 1×1 partner and I came to a mutual conclusion had run its course, so we wrapped it up and started a new one in a different time period within the same fandom I got another one that's nearly on the year mark now where we've successfully completed one "act" to its conclusion and coming up onto the conclusion of the 2nd "act" as well, and still going strong looking at a start of a possible 3rd act after a short break So it is perfectly possible to complete RPs or reach satisfactory endpoints, or to have long-running RPs, the key is for all players involved to have the right level of interest and dedication in both plot, setting and characters. As a side note this is largely why I prefer 1x1(x1, at a stretch) to group RPs, because communication and keeping to that level of dedication is easier between only 1 or 2 people. I find that 98% of large group RPs I join 'die' or run their course within a few months because the hype dies down and everybody loses interest, and because the plot depended on a diverse group of people to run properly it's not humanly possible for the remaining 2 players who are still interested to keep the RP running and so the group fizzles out to go do other things etc. C;