[@Caits][@Vicier] Okee, Cypher incoming! [sup][sub]('cause I kinda abandoned Vail)[/sub][/sup] [color=a1444a][hider=Cypher] Appearance: [img]http://static3.fjcdn.com/comments/Remember+it+girly+girl+thing+_7b3ccb8d09be693c8406c54a5a63b84c.jpg[/img] (But with red hair) [url=http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=218468132]Outfit[/url] General Information: Real Name: Alex Harper Nick-Names: Ally? Gender: Originally male; now genderless. Species: Program. Place Of Origin: Portland, Oregon, United States. Age: Twenty-one at death. Date Of Birth: May Twelfth, 1976. Scent: A slightly used computer, between room temperature and overheating. Relationship Information: Relationship Status: Single. Sexuality: Gay (attracted to males). Partner: None. Ex-Partner: None. Father: Jason Harper (Deceased). Mother: Lilah Harper (Missing). Siblings: None. Pet/s: None. Other: None. Personal Information: Personality: ♦ Energetic ♦ Optimistic ♦ Easily Aggravated ♦ Confident ♦ Somewhat Selfish ♦ Alex Harper was born smart. As a child, he easily passed all his classes and had soon advanced a few grades beyond his age. When he was fifteen, his mother disappeared, which led Alex on a wild goose chase, abandoning his studies to pursue her. He never did find her, but kept looking his entire lifetime. He decided not to return to school, instead carving a niche for himself as an expert with computer programming. When the Omnic War rolled around, Alex was brutally injured while running from a battle. The wound eventually caused his death at age twenty-one-- but not before he completed what he called the Cypher Project, which was, in a sense, Alex’s personality and memories captured in a code. When Alex passed, Cypher created an avatar for ‘her’self, and took Alex’s spot in the computer business. Cypher then hired a robotics company to create an 'anchor' for her- her choker and boots- that allow her to manifest herself in the physical world. She decided to join Overwatch to help them help others in whatever way she could. After all: [quote] [color=f7941d]The world could always use more heroes! [i]-Tracer[/i][/color] [/quote] Likes: ✔ Retro Gaming ✔ Computers ✔ Cats ✔ Forests Dislikes: ✘ Dogs ✘ Internet outages ✘ Large bodies of water Hobbies: Making computer programs and playing retro games- e.g. Tetris, Pacman, and Mario. Strengths: ⚜ Untiring- Due to her not being as much of a physical being, it takes a [i]lot[/i] to tire her out. ⚜ Massive Data Storage- Cypher can download and store up to 50 extra gigabytes of data, other than the data she was programmed with. Weaknesses: ☠ Wide-open Weak Points- While she doesn’t take much damage to her body, her choker and boots are highly vulnerable, and hitting those causes much more damage. Also, her choker is weak to water (her boots are not). ☠ Code- Due to her very nature, Cypher is highly vulnerable to any hacking or computer viruses. They usually immobilize her while she tries to take care of them within her code. Organization Information: Organization Alias: Cypher. Organization Affiliation: Overwatch. Base Of Operation: Forks, WA. Previous Base Of Operation: Portland, OR. Battle Type/ Role: Defender ✋. Occupation (Currently): ✣ Member of Overwatch ✣ Computer Programmer Occupation (Previously): ✣ No other jobs Weapons and Abilities: Glitch: Cypher can quickly phase herself out of reality for a couple seconds at a time, but it takes a lot of energy to do so. Firewall: Cypher creates a translucent wall that prevents her enemies and their attacks from passing through. However, it can be destroyed. Her allies can basically ignore all aspects of the wall. Self-Repairing Code: Cypher’s code was designed to repair itself gradually after damage stops. However, since she [i]is[/i] code, she becomes immobile while hacked. Weapons: [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/masseffectfanfiction/images/c/cb/M-909_Quake.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100805152637[/img] M9-09 Circuit: A simple rifle, with a 42-round magazine. It can switch between the less accurate fully automatic fire and the more accurate, 3-round semi-automatic fire. Ultimate Ability: System Reset- Cypher causes a massive surge that destroys all nearby barriers, allowing her teammates’ ultimate abilities to be more effective. Other Information: Other: Cypher is technically genderless, due to her being a computer program, but likes to be referred to as a ‘she’. She also still is looking for Lilah, Alex’s mother. She herself doesn’t mind being called Alex, but prefers Cypher. [hider=Theme Song] Theme Song: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2l-yUHo44hc]Tetris (Orchestral version)[/url][/hider] [/hider][/color] EDIT: Added a few things I forgot. EDIT 2: Added mentions (because I think senpai didn't notice me)