Ambrose frowned slightly as he finished speaking, observing Caleb's reaction. The more time he spent with this charismatic creature, the more he realized how different they were. And the way Caleb's eyes pierced right through him, it distracted from his train of thought multiple times during their interactions. "Yes... From what I can tell the headmaster is a kind person." He nodded. Ambrose stared wide eyed, obviously impressed by the theatrics. His mouth slightly opened as he watched the orb of light completely transform. "Jeez, that is... Beautiful, I have to admit." He chuckled and took the rose tentatively. He opened his mouth to respond but was cut off as Samantha waltzed in. Ambrose quickly shoved the rose back into Caleb's hand, face heating up. Crossing his arms over his chest, narrowing his eyes at Samantha in response to her wink. He wasn't sure he even liked the girl, he got the feeling she knew a little too much about people and knew how to play behind the scenes. Ambrose breathed a sigh of relief as she disappeared, turning back to Caleb. "Uh, you can show me later. I'm not that practiced so I'll just hitch a ride." He responded and shuffled to his side. Ambrose hesitantly took a hold of Caleb's arm, feeling the bicep. Okay, maybe he just wanted to touch the hot guy. But it would be faster this way.