[center][b][h1][color=643d61]G A M B I T[/color][/h1][/b][b]Remy Etienne LeBeau[/b], AGE 27 (b. 1941) [i][sub]Mercenary based in Louisiana, New Orleans Active since approximately 1962 YEAR[/sub][/i] [img]http://cdn.idigitaltimes.com/sites/idigitaltimes.com/files/styles/embed/public/2015/01/06/gambit.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/q71wVxn.png[/img][/center][hr][hr] [color=999999] Gambits long been my favorite marvel character, so I revel in any chance I get to play him really. My concept is that in New Orleans, tension was more than a little high during the sixties. In a city that becomes something of a battleground for civil rights, with racial segregation in schools becoming a major talking point, there is civil unrest bubbling under the surface. Smooth talking, quick witted Gambit never had any issues with other people's skin color, the Thieves Guild welcome anyone of any color as long as loyalty remained with the guild. A mutant with the “devils eyes”, he has been singled out enough to know at least a small amount of the pain of being a social outcast. This has birthed in him a rebellious streak a mile long and some serious loathing towards all authority, even that of his father, the head of the Guild. He also oppose a lot of the class divide and the constant needless struggle between the two Guilds, even if he refuses to let them marry him of to end that very violence. His views have made him popular with the younger generation of the guild, many who are Black, Hispanic or otherwise a minority. His little band of outcasts are chafing on the older, more traditionalist generation within he guild however, leading to some internal strife within the guild. Many feel him a threat to the order of things and think he will lead them trough ruination. But as the voice of the younger members, he hold a lot of sway over their future. I plan to explore New Orleans through Gambits own eyes as he see the clashes between police and protesters as well as the systematic oppression of people around him for something that to him is so unsubstantial. And how Gambit, a quick talking thief who stubbornly refuses Dr Xaviers invite to join him at the school, starts acting a little bit like a Robin Hood, despite the admonishment and downright threats of his elders. I aim to keep his charm, while trying to entwine him in more than just poker and badly portrait cajun accents. He likely will run with Xmen on and off. [/color] [hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/rOBXEpI.png[/img][/center][hr][hr] [color=999999] Friends and Foes Bellatrix, The Heir of the Killers Guild and the source of a stormy, on and off relationship. Does not exactly approve of Gambits increasingly more active, political streak. Dr Xavier: A chance meeting has led to Gambit recieving and refusing a invite to join Xaviers institute. Stating that his life was in New Orleans and that mutant or not, he had more pressing issues at hand. [/color] [color=999999] [hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/LfmRe9C.png[/img][/center][hr][hr] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3843507](Drono, Drell Scoundrel)[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3933808](Cabbie,OC Hero)[/url] [/color]