[center][h1][color=17A589]Carla Lobo[/color][/h1][/center] [hr][center][color=17A589][b]Location:[/b][/color] Outside[/center][hr] Much like everything else that had transpired tofay, this 'meeting' was quite disappointing. Here she was expecting to learn something useful only to sit through an attempt to cow the crew into subservience. It's true that Carla was a tool to be used for murder, but she was not a dog that could be swayed by some menacing barking. All the blathering about her forceful tactics amounted to very little when it came from a captain who just crashed her own ship and had one of her crew break orders when the chance presented it. [color=17A589]"Why? Why should any of us bother sticking around and do what you say once we've cleared the Reavers?"[/color] It was a simple question, but one well worth asking and one asked with a tone of geniune curiosity rather than the verbal finger-pointing the words would normally used with. Sure Foy and Carla could probably kill every one of the Browncoats here and have Lieutenant Harper take the ship back to an Alliance Headquarters. Or once they had arrived at a spaceport they could just report the location of the ship and what happened to make it easy for the ship to be tracked down and brought to justice. But either of these things would be shutting off a potentially beneficial proceeding. For as little as she thought of the woman proclaiming herself monarch of the ship, she thought equally little of the Alliance. She had no great love for it, nor did she technically work for them. Work was work, and this did provide an opportunity to see a lot more action than she'd been getting insofar.