The universe, as implacable and petty as ever, was once again conspiring to interrupt Old N's rest. As though the preceding uproar had not been bad enough, something was now happening which made the crew of the rumbling vehicle even louder and less endurable. Admittedly, he did feel as though there might have been something odd about the machine. It did not vibrate as frequently as before - something he was himself in a position to appreciate, being lodged into it with his entire body and in contact on every side of the latter with at least one of the internal surfaces. Then, there was this odd sense of being - carried along? [i]Rolled[/i] along, perhaps? Though that could not actually be the case, since, as far as he knew, he remained [s]upright[/s] sideways as before. Whatever it was, though, it gradually decrease, then stopped, along with the distant humming associated with the movement. In itself, Old N did not overly mind it, as, now that the doorway was still, it was somewhat less uncomfortable to lie in. However, the rest seemed to be of a different opinion, judging by their vociferating and the flashes of light the armoured human had conjured up. Now, light was bad enough in itself; but this appeared to be [i]speaking[/i] light, which made it twice as irritating. Seeing that, despite the distant humming having stopped, the general ruckus was only growing the worse, Old N decided that he might as well free himself from the door and go see what was the matter. Well, "decided" was a rather strong word. More accurately, he was mildly prodded by a vague suspicion that it might be better to go and see what was the matter. However, seeing as not even a proper decision would have been strong enough to make him budge, this indefinite sensation was totally ineffective: having given it a few seconds of thought, Old N let it slip through his mental pincers, which were in a better state than his physical ones, and resumed his slumber - only to be rudely awakened by the heavy impact of some apparently rather large body against what was presumably the vehicle's outer wall. Now slightly more than a little awake (and consequently angry), the demon guzzled down what remained of his fruit, then, reaching into his bag, produced from it, with some difficulty, a slightly rusted and terribly malodorous metallic bottle. Creaking from the exertion, he opened the vessel with his mouth, holding it in his secondary limbs; this caused a cloud of indescribable, putrid stench to float through the interior of the RV as he took a rapid sip of whatever foulness was inside, which lingered on after he had replaced the bottle in the bag and, indeed, did not seem to have the intention to disappear any time soon. Bolstered by the revolting concoction, Old N gave a vigorous push with his hind legs, and came tumbling back into the room as some sort of large crustacean barrel before coming to rest against the opposite wall with a crash which shook the vehicle to its wheels and a mildly annoyed chittering sound.