Alrighty, so that's six Masters, so I'll open up partnering at this time in a formal sense. I imagine a couple of you have already made some partnerships in PMs, so let me know about that. At any rate, the "formal" method will be that those who have approved Masters ([@Player 2] [@Holy Grail] [@Cu Chulainn] [@GreenGoat] [@DrowsyPangolin] [@Yukitamas]) should just state in here who their top candidate for a Servant is. Think of it like placing a chip on that Servant. If that Servant's RPer agrees then bam, you're partnered. I'll start calling out individual people when we have a Caster and a Berserker in, but until then if there's a Servant you have your eye on I recommend putting your chip on them before they get snatched up.