[quote=@Dead Cruiser] So while I'm thinking about it, I want to run a goofy idea by you guys. It's sort of a subversion of the usual classic D&D alignment system, but rather than being a descriptor of your character's morality, it's a sort of classification of the makeup of their soul. The universe exists on these metaphysical axises of Good and Evil (Extropy vs Entropy) and Law and Chaos (Stasis vs Change). None are more closely in tune with these forces than Gods (hyperdimensional beings of vast power), whose existences and perceptions are dependant on the alignment of other entities and forces in the universe. So your character would have an alignment dependant on where their species (or possibly entire planet) falls in the grand scheme of the universe's alignment, regardless of their personal character. This would only affect their potential interactions with Gods (if they were a Cleric for instance) and the effects of certain types of magic on them. It's just a weird idea I was working with, and I can easily drop it if you guys aren't fans. [/quote] I'm always a fan of fictional religions/mythology. An interesting twist could be taking a page from Eberron and playing with the "shades of gray" of each religion. For example, Chaos can be seen as bad (lawlessness, which leads to terrible things), but one could also identify Chaos as being change (progress, allowing things to improve). - I guess the only thing I don't quite understand is why it wouldn't be based on the individual/their actions? However, you could definitely play it like a trait with associated stigmas, like maybe Character A is really good, but belongs to a race known as Evil, so they're forever trying to escape the stigma that comes with being identified as Evil (even though they personally are not), which might be what you're suggesting.