[hr][center][h1][b][i][color=peru]Agnes Brynja Johannsson[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/cfe99d2c6a18c13d500ebdf672b06c55/tumblr_np3grdrdJc1s4153ro1_400.jpg[/img][hr][b]Location:[/b] Building A: Ashton’s Home (outside on the street) >> Outside of Building 1 >> Building H[/center][hr] With the commotion going on and items flying out of windows and what with Bryn not being a people person, she decided that now was the best time for her to disperse and head back home. Before she had a chance to move Miss Sally was in front of her and chastising her resting “fuck off” face. Bryn couldn’t fault the old battle axe, she did slip into this comfortable facial expression far too easily. Instead she gave a blank faced nod and tucked her hair behind her hears. She had no assignments today beyond getting rid of her bitch-tit attitude facial expressions and as it was drawing closer to time for the wedding it was a safe bet that everyone would be getting ready for it now that all additional works had been dished out by their resident hen mother. Before Bryn had a chance to head on out of there and go back home to get dressed for the wedding, she saw Miss Sally stepping forward and stopping Sana in her tracks. Bryn made a b-line for her friend. [color=peru]“Sana we need to talk. C’mere…”[/color] Bryn hooked her arm in Sana’s and tried to guide her away from the larger crowd but not completely away from the area as she knew trying to get her completely away from Richard was still a hard sell. She led her into the deeper snow and pulled her until they were standing against the wall of the main building, keeping Richard's place within sights so that Sana didn't try to walk away completely. Letting go of Sana's arm and turning to look to her Bryn didn't really know where to start. She glanced up at the clock tower and then back to Sana and decided to start with a question. [color=peru]"What did you see from up there?"[/color] Sana looked around for a moment, her feet shuffling in the snow before she looked over towards Richard's place. [color=82ca9d]"Saw Richard storm off. Tim filled me in on the rest when he took over the tower. Is it true?"[/color] Sana asked. She figured it was but she wanted to hear it from someone she trusted fully. She gave a firm and silent nod. She didn't know what else to say, she was never good at this kind of thing at the best of times and when someone that had made their way past her defences was in an uncomfortable place it was even harder for her. You'd think with the world turning to shit it would be easier to just say what you were thinking but once those flood gates were down? All bets were usually off. That wasn't a place that Bryn wanted to be. [color=peru]"He didn't take it well."[/color] Bryn folded her arms across her chest and tongued the back of her teeth as she considered how best to say what she wanted to say. [color=peru]"I think you need to leave him be, Sana."[/color] Sana spat at the ground and crossed her arms over her chest. [color=82ca9d]"I can handle it. He needs someone besides Ryan. God, Ryan? You want them to beat the shit out of each other? It's gonna be World War Three in that house!"[/color] She was right, of course, but it might be just what Dick needed. Bryn screwed up her face a little before rubbing it with the palms of her hands. [color=peru]"I know I've said this at least twenty times, but he really doesn't deserve you."[/color] She dropped her arms to her sides and watched Sana's face. [color=peru]"You know if you go over there he's just going to hurt you again."[/color] Her hands curled into tight fists as she said the words. She'd once been close to Richard but the man didn't have a clue when it came to other people and their feelings. Sana looked down and took a deep breath, she knew Bryn was right but it didn't stop her from feeling like she had to be there for him. He was hurting, that's all that mattered to her. [color=82ca9d]"I can't just turn my back on him Bryn. I might be the only person in this town that doesn't hate him right now..."[/color] This was one of the things that Bryn admired about Sana, her ability to care for those that didn't care for themselves. It was the thing that Bryn felt Zoie and she had in common and is what made her understand why she stuck by Richard especially when he didn't deserve it. [color=peru]"He's not exactly trying to change people's perceptions of him. He's pretty much asking for the hatred that's aimed at him at this point."[/color] She rolled her eyes some and rested her hands on her hips. Her voice grew gentler as she continued. [color=peru]"I know it's not what you like to hear and I know I can't convince you otherwise but I wouldn't be your friend if I didn't try to save you from yourself or from Dick."[/color] She clapped Sana on the shoulder and gave her a half smile before letting her go. [color=peru]"I'm going to head back to the house to get ready, are you going to ignore Miss Sally or come back with me?"[/color] [color=82ca9d]"You know what I'm going to do,"[/color] Sana quipped before trudging off back the direction she came from. She wasn't going to storm over just yet, Miss Sally was still out there, but she wasn't going to wander off either. If it kept up she wanted to be able to get there in no telling flat. Feeling unsurprised Bryn gave a wave as she about turned and made off in the opposite direction of Sana and headed back to her and Sana's place to start getting dressed for the wedding.[hr][center][h1][b][i][color=Khaki]Dr. Victor Bonheur[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTgzNjA1MjY2M15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwMjgzOTk0._V1_UX214_CR0,0,214,317_AL_.jpg[/img][hr][b]Location:[/b] Building A: Ashton’s Home (Outside) >> Building 1: Tatiana's Office[/center][hr] As the CD player came crashing down to the ground, Victor closed his eyes and winced as it smashed against the asphalt. He saw Ryan running off after Richard and then watched as Thana all but said goodbye and made her way back inside of Ashton’s house. Lifting his hands to his temples, Victor began to gently rub them in circular motions to try and help ease the tension from his mind. He felt bad for this woman, Thana, who had the face and voice of a ghost of Newnan. It wasn’t her fault that she was who she was. No one got to choose their family. After Miss Sally and Ash agreed that they’d rollout the welcome wagon for Thana before she left, Victor considered what he could do to help but drew a blank. He could always visit her and introduce himself but he didn’t like the idea of going empty handed. He wracked his brain trying to think of something that he could give Thana that once belonged to Zoie but besides her weapons and clothing, the only other thing was Richard and that was not something that he wanted to place on the poor woman. Sighing slightly, Victor bid farewell to those in the crowd and made his way back to the infirmary and subsequently back to his office. It was on the way that he realised that Zoie’s office might hold something that he could impart to Thana! Perhaps even just a general day to day note with Zoie’s handwriting would suffice. Victor knew he’d give anything to see his wife’s delicate writing once more. Before reaching the infirmary, Victor made his way upstairs towards the room that was now Tatiana’s office and let himself inside. He had a look around and hoped he could find something that Richard hadn’t appropriated with Zoie’s handwriting but he was out of luck, everything seemed to belong to either Tatiana or Astrid. Victor stopped in his tracks and blinked as he realised something very out of place was sitting on Tatiana’s desk right then, perched innocently on a book. Most of Astrid’s notes and works were inside of notebooks but this was a single sheet of notes with some blood works. He picked it up and gave it a read over out of curiousity. He had no idea what he was about to discover. [hr][center][h1][b][i][color=tomato]Richard Johnson[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://38.media.tumblr.com/7d06241f95dd05dbc30ae28a91f65496/tumblr_n3qowvQS821sez5lno2_500.gif[/img][hr][b]Location:[/b] Building B: His Room >> Outside on LaGrange >> Building B: Inside[/center][hr] The sound of the door banging under foot caused Richard to be aware someone had followed him but he had no idea who it was because, as he saw it, no one gave a flying fuck about him anyway so why would they bother? Then the roar of the Irish sounded from his fellow housemate. Richard spun around, his bag still in his hand and watched as Ryan ran his mouth off at him. His face was growing redder as Ryan went on and once the man stopped Richard simply stared at him for a moment, his nostrils flaring with each breath he took. His voice was quieter than normal as he finally spoke. [color=tomato]"Yeah, am a fuckin' dumbass. Don't take a fuckin' genius to come to that earth shatterin', bastardin' conclusion."[/color] He threw his bag behind him onto his bed and then turned to Ryan, his knuckles turning white as he stood there. [color=tomato]"This shit ain't Daisy's no more. She's fuckin' dead. This shit? All this wrecked and useless pile of crap? It belongs to whoever fuckin' takes it. It means fuckin' [i]nothin'[/i] in the grand scheme of this shit show that is life."[/color] He motioned around the room to everything that he'd just tossed around. [color=fff79a]"It means what we fuckin' want it to mean it does. All these months you've hoarded er'thang of hers like it was a goddamn shrine! Holy fuckin' relics! So, all that changed just cause her sis shows up?"[/color] Ryan spat, holding his ground at the door way. Glaring at Ryan, his voice began to raise some as the rest of Ryan's words truly sank in. [color=tomato]"And ya know fuckin' what? Jus' 'cause ya love someone for a fuckin' day, a week, a month or even a fuckin' year, it doesn't matter how god damn fuckin' long it was, ya still mother fuckin' loved them and it don't hurt any fuckin' less when they're gone! Her sister didn't even fuckin' know she was even alive when all this shit hit the fan. She said herself she ain't talked to none o' her family since she was fuckin' eighteen years old! She even fuckin' said they weren't close so fuckin' excuse me for not bein' fuckin' mister sensi-fuckin'-tivity to her."[/color] He kicked a pillow that was by his foot across the room. [color=fff79a]"Well boo fuckin' hoo. Poor Richard lost someone he loved. Well get in fuckin' line. We all lost someone. So what if she didn't know Zo was dead, so what if they weren't close. They still were blood but hey family ain't meaning shit to a toddler like you pitching a fit! Sana's been tryin' to help ya since the day Zoie died but hey, doesn't matter she lost her brother. Long as she there for ya right? To fuck with. You know what? I'm glad Zoies dead! She's better off dead than dealin' with your ass!"[/color] Ryan yelled back at Richard, his fists balling up. Ryan never got angry or yelled but it seemed his Irish side was coming out in full force right then. [color=tomato]"I didn't fuckin' ask for anyone's fuckin' help!"[/color] Turning he grabbed his bag and finished shoving his things inside before closing it over and hiking it over his back. He turned to face back to Ryan and felt the tension in his jaw growing. [color=tomato]"Get out o' my fuckin' way. I ain't gon' be a fuckin' with anyone in Newnan anymore. Now shift."[/color] [color=fff79a]"Yeah, didn't ask for Zoie either but ya got her. You didn't love her, if ya did you'd work yer ass off to honor her memory by being whatever the fuck it was she thought she saw in you," [/color] Ryan growled from deep within his throat. Then he stepped to the side. [color=fff79a]"But by all means, turn tail and run. That's all you've ever done right?"[/color] [color=tomato]"It's fuckin' better this way and ya know it. I wasn't ever shit, I ain't ever gon' be shit. Zoie was fuckin' wrong, everyone else was fuckin' right. Zoie's memory don't fuckin' need me to honour it."[/color] Richard's voice was cracking again but his eyes were dry as a bone this time. He stood in front of Ryan, his eyes darting between his as he saw the rage within the normally carefree man. He turned away and left the room, leaving Ryan behind him. [color=fff79a]"That's bullshit and you know it."[/color] Outside, it wasn't quiet. Words easily traveled. Biting her bottom lip Sana stepped into view, having slipped by Miss Sally as she was directing people this way and that. Looking up at Richard, she quivered as she wrapped a single arm around herself. [color=82ca9d]"I'm coming with you."[/color] Richard stopped in his tracks and stared at Sana, surprised that she was even nearby. [color=tomato]"No. You're not."[/color] Richard continued to head across the street towards the armoury. He refused to look back at Sana but he couldn't stop the lump in his throat from threatening to jump out. Sana rushed after Richard, jumping in front of him and placing her hands on his chest as she shoved him back hard. Richard staggered some, almost falling flat on his ass when he skidded on some ice. [color=82ca9d]"Don't you tell me what to do! I'm going with you!"[/color] Her voice was ragged and she looked torn. Livid and hurt in the same breath. It was nearly the same look Zoie had given Richard right before she had been shot. The lump pressed harder in his throat and Richard couldn't bear to look at her face as he spoke. He'd seen that face before, it was hitting too close to home for him right then and he couldn't handle it. [color=tomato]"I ain't tryin' to tell ya what to do. Ya can leave here if that's what ya want, but it ain't gonna be with me. Ya wanna say ya got the right t'do as ya please? So do I. What I please is t'leave here alone."[/color] He gathered the strength to look at her face and regretted it instantly. [color=tomato]"I ain't worth followin' Sans. Hell, why I ain't been shot in this fuckin' place yet is beyond me."[/color] [color=82ca9d]"Don't you look away from me! Look at me damn it! You aren't pushing me away that damn easy! It wasn't your fault she died, she wasn't wrong about you. You're the one that's fucking wrong!"[/color] Sana rambled off, shoving him again, this time with her fists against his chest. She didn't step back, just pushing against him in anger as she tried to force her face in his line of sight. [color=82ca9d]"Please Ricky... don't make me lose someone else I care about."[/color] Her voice was trembling at this point as she tried to hold it together. The creases between his eyes became deeper each time Sana's face moved across his vision and he could feel his temper rising again but it wasn't at her, it was never at her. His voice was low and gravelly as he spoke. Everything he'd kept tight to his chest started coming tumbling out as he tried his best to convince Sana that he wasn't worth following. [color=tomato]"We've all lost someone. We're all goin' to keep losin' someone. The only fuckin' way to stop it is to be alone. If it weren't for my brother I'd have been alone m'whole life. It's the same fuckin' sob story that everyone has. Parents never gave a fuck, not surprisin' really considerin' they were a pair of wasters. Why m'brother gave a shit is beyond fuckin' me. Did I ever tell ya he died to save me after I made a dumb fuckin' decision? Yeah. I got my brother fuckin' killed. I watched the life being beaten out of him and he died because..."[/color] His voice cracked again. He didn't want to admit that he had to be the one to take his brother's life, that was something he was still trying to come to terms with, even after all these years. He swallowed the lump down as far as it would go before he continued. [color=tomato]"...because I was fuckin' lookin' out for myself and didn't think about protectin' him. It's what I do. It's what I've always done. Ya need to learn that I jus' ain't good for ya."[/color] He kept eye contact throughout it all. It was one of the hardest things he had ever done, but he knew he had to do it. He couldn't let her follow him back out there. It didn't have the effect that perhaps he was trying for because Sana suddenly stopped pushing against him and wrapped her arms around him. Resting her head on his chest as she let out a sob. It was the most Richard had ever opened up to her. [color=82ca9d]"I was the reason my brother lost his arm..."[/color] she whispered weakly. Holding tight to Richard she croaked out as quickly as she could about the abandoned mill they had been caught in and that Marx had lost his arm to save her life. [color=82ca9d]"That's where my burns came from. A reminder of what I caused because I was being stupid."[/color] Looking up slowly her eyes were red and damp. Talking about Marx was never easy, especially right then. [color=82ca9d]"If I'm going to loose you it isn't gonna be because I let you walk away. It's going to be because I did everything I could despite it. You leave, I'm gonna follow."[/color] Seeing her looking so hurt and broken, Richard dropped his bag to the ground in an instant and cupped her face in his hands, his thumbs brushing the tears away before he pulled her into an enveloping hug. He pressed his lips to the top of her head and held her close to him. He kept her held that way for a few moments before he spoke, a soft whisper that only she could hear. [color=tomato]"Ya need to survive. Bein' with me ain't gonna make that happen."[/color] Sana was shaking in his arms, her eyes closing as he touched her face. [color=82ca9d]"I don't want to survive, I want to live..."[/color] she said quietly as her arms tightened around him. Looking up at him before burying her head against his chest. [color=82ca9d]"With you."[/color] [color=tomato]"I've done nothin' but treat ya badly, Sans. How blind are ya?"[/color] It was a rhetorical question but he knew she'd answer it anyway. He stepped back and gently released her from his arms. He glanced around and scowled at the lingering onlookers, really he was just using it as an excuse to not look Sana full in the face again. He didn't want to cave in and stick around but he also didn't want to put Sana's life at risk because he was leaving and she was too pig stubborn to stay put. Clearing his throat, Richard spun around and spat on the ground behind him before picking his bag back up. He spotted Ash's place and wondered then if Zoie's sister was still inside. His eyes narrowed and he began to chew the inside of his mouth as he got lost in thought. [color=82ca9d]"Didn't anyone ever tell you love is blind?"[/color] Sana said, not looking at Richard as she wiped her nose with the back of her sleeve and took a deep breath. Stepping over to him she laced her fingers with his. [color=82ca9d]"You leave, I leave. At least stay for the night, if you still want to go then.... Well then we can go together. Anyways, no one is going to let you check your weapons out. Not without Ash's permission,"[/color] she said before leaning in and whispering. [color=82ca9d]"But since I am tower, I can for my shift tomorrow,"[/color] she added to make sure that only he heard her. Snapping back to the here and now, Richard felt Sana's hand in his and he blinked as he looked down at it. When did this happen? He thought with everything he'd ever said and done to Sana in his worse moments that the good moments would have balanced it out to the point of disinterest for her. When did she grow attached to him? When did he start to give a fuck about her? He hadn't noticed but his drive to keep her here and keep her safe wasn't so he could go out and die alone but so that she could actually live. Ash's permissions. One fucking thing he wouldn't miss about this stupid fucking place. He looked up to Sana as she finished speaking, his face blank which was probably disconcerting to anyone that saw it. No scowl, no smile. Just nothing. [color=tomato]"I need a fuckin' drink."[/color] He squeezed her hand. He'd heard her words, but he needed some time to think. Sana nodded slightly. She wasn't expecting to hear it back, she was still in shock herself that she had even said it. Thinking on it she wasn't sure she was in love with the man. She cared about him that much was sure and yes some part of her did love him. Why she had no idea. He was an ass to her half the time but then the other half he was like he was a moment ago. Kind and caring. Maybe it was because he had lost someone as well the same day she had. That she knew he understood her pain. Maybe it was just crazy. Probably a bit of both. Looking over at Ash's house Sana had an idea. [color=82ca9d]"I can get some tonight at the reception..."[/color] she said quietly, spotting Ryan standing there with his arms crossed watching the two of them. He wasn't trying to hide it, it was more than obviously keeping an eye on both of them. Why Sana had no idea. Ryan knew why though. One, he looked out after Sana on some level because he had lost his brother as well, many years before. Two, he wasn't exactly sure that Dick wasn't above hitting a woman. Granted the fact that Richard had just admitted in front of god and everyone that he was the reason his own brother died made Ryan feel a bit of pity for Richard, he knew how that felt - but like he was going to fucking tell anyone that little bit of his past. Richard smirked a little at Sana's suggestion before he noticed Ryan staring at them both. He growled deep in his throat, Sana would have heard since she was so close and Ryan would definitely have recognised the look on his face as it was a familiar sight for him. Richard turned towards Ryan and barked at him. [color=tomato]"Got somethin' on ma fuckin' face? Take yer eyes the fuck out o' here or I'll take them right out for ya."[/color] He dropped Sana's hand and curled his hands into their oh so common fists. He could storm forward and start a fight, that'd be one sure way to get either kicked out or a bullet to the head. If Sana weren't here right now he'd probably have went ahead and started it but he didn't. Maybe he did give a shit after all. He reflexively reached back and grabbed onto Sana's hand again before dragging her away with him. He was heading back to his place and making a point to walk right by Ryan and it took all of his strength not to say or do anything. Ryan just gave Richard his all to common half grin as he pulled another smoke out and lit it up. Taking a long puff he jumped off the side of the porch and watched as Dick and Sana walked passed him, Sana looking at Ryan and mouthing, "asshole." Richard felt his brow growing tighter but he wasn't about to kick off. Not here, not yet. Ryan just chuckled and started walking off. Miss Sally eyeing the Irishman quizzically. Irish eyes were smiling and she knew he was up to something as he strode towards the greenhouse. Getting inside the house Richard dropped his bag by the front door, he wasn't ready to commit to staying just yet. He rubbed his face and took a deep breath before turning his attention to Sana. [color=tomato]"I'll stay the night and I'll think on it, but I ain't promisin' shit."[/color] He glanced at the stairs and thought of the mess he'd made and scratched the back of his head. [color=tomato]"Sana..."[/color] His voice was soft and the creases on his face flattened out as his features softened. [color=tomato]"Thanks."[/color] Sana glanced over to him and nodded somewhat. She wasn't exactly sure what to say right then but maybe nothing needed to be said. At least not about what had just happened. He gave that stupid half smile of his as he realised she had understood his meaning. Biting her bottom lip she looked around and had a thought. [color=82ca9d]"So um, got this dress for tonight. Should I expect you at the reception? Or just show up here with a bottle?"[/color] A groan rang out from Richard then and he rolled his eyes. [color=tomato]"I really don't like Whiplash but..."[/color] He moved forward and slipped a hand around her waist, holding her close to him. [color=tomato]"If this might be our last night here in safety, why the fuck not make the most of it? Maybe Ash-hole will let me have a fuckin' drink if I play nice."[/color] He licked his lips as he thought of the frothy goodness that he missed so much. After the destruction he made and the scene earlier Sana was pretty sure Ash letting Richard have a drink was out of the question but she wasn't going to say that out loud. Not right then when he was finally calming down. Slipping her arms over his shoulders she smirked slightly. [color=82ca9d]"Good, glad to know shaving my legs won't go to waste,"[/color] she said coyly.[hr]