[hr][hr][center][h2][b][i][color=b8860b]Keystone[/color][/i][/b][/h2][/center] [b][center][color=b8860b]Location:[/color] Yellow Rose Temple, exterior [/center][/b][b][center][color=b8860b]Interacting With: Nor, Cyneburg, Guards[/color] [/center][/b][hr][hr] All things being equal, Keystone would rather have been sitting [i]inside[/i] the bar with Sana, drinking something flammable and making crude comments about people around them. But things were most assuredly not equal. Perhaps there would be time for rest and relaxation later (Gods knew he had a little extra silver now to spend), but for now there were nonstandard injuries with which to deal. He headed out at a quick stride, and whomever wanted to follow could follow. His purposeful stride nearly brought him into forceful connection with one of the more diminutive if broader races. The novelty of seeing a Dwarf out this far into Human and Orc claimed woodland was something to gawk about later on. He didn't break stride nor allow first passage for the individual he almost knocked over, but he did manage a quick (and [i]remarkably[/i] well inflected) [color=b8860b]"[Pardon me.]"[/color] Demonstration of linguistic familiarity down, he pressed onward. Cyneburg was the next to attempt conversation with Keystone. Thankfully she did not get in his way, and posed the question in such a way that did not require much in the way of explanation. [color=b8860b]"Temple of the Yellow Rose. Just north of 'ere. Follow if ya like."[/color] The reaction from the guards, freely allowing entry to him, was slightly unexpected. He had assumed that he would at least have to answer a question or two about his intent, at the very least. Then again, when carrying a semi-to-unconscious woman into a place of, among other things, higher healing, there is a reasonable assumption of intent. The glance back at those flanking him was a little more understandable.    [color=b8860b]”Nah, they’re good. Anyways I think they are.”[/color] Keystone nodded his head at each of them in turn. [color=b8860b]”Druid, Spiritual ‘ealer. Unconscious lady’s an unconscious lady what needs care. And if Master Yomdi ain't got a thing more pressin', we need council.”[/color] With the same determined stride, Keystone entered the Yellow Rose Temple.