[hider=Keeran] Name: Keeran Hishamie Appearance: [img]http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/c2a43aeaed31084e79c3d8e0ab17ec03/http://i1052.photobucket.com/albums/s448/EpicAnime19/Anime_boy-1.jpg[/img] Starting clothing outfit: Currently wearing what he was equipped with in the photo Race: Human Age: 22 Gender: Male Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Attributes: Black medium shaggy hair, Brown eyes, 6'2, 185 lbs Attunement: Life Magic Unique Ability: Life/Death Instinct Keeran can focus all of his mana into Life magic to heal anyone he touches at almost super speed. This causes a distinctive glow, Can only do this when at maximum mana, and if done with less than full mana it can backfire and poison Keeran from the inside out, causing internal bleeding or even disease. With Death Aura things are slightly opposite, while his life aura cured non fatal injuries, death aura inflicts small injuries to anyone while curing his own injuries. This magic is brought about when Keerans mental state is slightly more psychotic, and is easily one of his deadliest magics. Anyone affected by this will start out small, finding cuts and small bruises such as cuts from a small kitchen knife and a rather weak young man throwing punches and causing bruising, to outright loss of a limb and broken bones given time. The strength of the afflicted is a variable, stronger people being affected slower and weaker people being affected faster. This can turn on Keeran, though while full mana is not needed for this ability if he uses it for too long it can completely corrupt his mind sending him down a spiral of darkness he could never escape from. This mode uses Keerans psychotic urges and mental state as a fuel source, and when it is drained Keeran reverts back to his saner side and depletes his stamina. Personality: Keeran is considered to be highly unpredictable and slightly mentally disturbed. He can be fine one moment, calm and tranquil, but then the next moment he will fly into a frenzy completely willing to kill or worse. What is worse though that while Keeran is called a pyschopath by many he is actually a sociopath. Keeran is much smarter than people give him credit for and while yes sometimes he does act out of driven emotion more often than not he has a detailed plan that is the driving force behind his actions. Bio: Keeran was born on Earth twenty two years ago, in a small town that would eventually be wiped off the map after a certain incident. He was born into a family of three, his mother and father and older brother, and for a long time Keeran would be happy.....normal. When he was twelve years old, Keeran developed his magic in his sleep, his talents activating while he was uconscious. He awoke standing in his living room, soaked in sweat and his pajamas clinging to his skin. He looked before him at the scene of the moment, his brother being held in his mothers arms while his father holding all three in his arms. Keeran did not know this, probably still, but at that moment he had a demented smile on his face that scared the crap out of his family. They moved shortly after into the country side, forgiving Keeran and helping him hone his powers on the wildlife. After three years Keeran managed to finally have almost complete control over his magic, being bale to focus and contain it. To that day though he had never demonstrated that unique ability from the first night. When he was eighteen he dared to venture out into the small town he used to call home, for the first time since he was twelve, and the horrors from that day became engraved into history. The specific details are uncertain, but a few things are well known. Something happened to deeply upset him, which caused him to fly into a frenzy. Keerna demonstrated his first night he achieved his magical prowess, Death Instinct he would come to call it, and ended up killing almost the entire town. Cops who came to arrest him would find a deeply disturbed and very agile young adult, who used fighting tactics that you would never assume a psychopath would have. His family was among the deceased by his hands, and when outside forces came to stop him they found him passed out and almost completely out of mana. He was arrested and sentenced for life in prison and sentenced to be humanely exected. They tried to put him under and execute him, but everytime they started to Keeran would subconsciously enter into Death Instinct, and would fail to kill him. So he was sentenced to life in prison for every person in the town he killed, and for most of his sentence he was put in solitude. [/hider]