The man observed first, taking time to settle into his decision to come, long before even issuing a response to their mage company. Not that the other man was not deserving an answer, but because the hunter had no real insight as to the best way to take the temple. By force was not a means to an end here, something which he grew tired of. This slinking and hiding to scratch meager victories or turn aside the enemy's offense... despicable. But there did seem to be some sort of vulnerability, that the fewest foes positioned themselves by the fire they struggled to light; less it appeared there than anywhere else [i]and[/i] their attention seemed to be elsewhere. If there was going to be a place to attack, that would be it. It was the closest, easiest approach and confronted the fewest foes. But was it the right one? The obvious answer was not always the correct one, this much even an uneducated man like Brannor knew through experience. It was then he looked back to their newest addition, that of Lake. The golden eyes, even under the hood that helped obscure his face, were not hidden in their expression as they narrowed in thought. Rather more, withheld reply, but soon the wordless message would be clear. The priestess was the one to know this place better, if they were going to rush in as saviors of its people. "The weakest of their lot gather near the fire. Those are the ones we could overwhelm... the others perhaps too numerous. Is that our best means to enter the temple, or is there another?" Sincerely did Brannor doubt there to be some hidden shelter beneath the place of worship or an escape tunnel, but it was worthy to ask the one person who knew this place what they were to do. Otherwise, their options seemed ever so slim. Unless the elder's raven knew more and the old robed man had not yet voiced his observations, there did not appear to be any other route to success. There were some... finer points that Brannor could address, but now was not the time to play with what little advantage there was left. If the doors keeping the enemy at bay did fall, as they would here soon, the entire endeavor would be a bloodbath for all involved; not because Brannor thought these monsters to be cold killers, thus far seeming to take those alive if possible, but because there'd be no other option but to fight and kill everything or die trying. "Either way, we need move soon before someone discovers us." The hunter spoke quietly in his deep, rough tone, keeping low throughout their brief exchange. [@Hekazu][@Ryonara][@Lucius Cypher][@Gordian Nought][@Norschtalen]