[@Holy Soldier] - firstly, let me apologise, it's taken me way too long to get a reply in, and as somebody who is (just about) managing to run their own game here, I appreciate that player wrangling, especially when it comes to schedules, is somehow both a mostly thankless task [i]and[/i] a pain in the rear. I'm really having trouble trying to get a post written, as I've not really been able to piece together the actions going on in the Castle. I really don't want to drop out the game, so I was wondering whether or not it would be an okay compromise for Quina to arrive once the dust had settled? It feels, to me, entirely in-keeping with the character that he or she would turn up once things are done, only to get [s]shouted at angrily[/s] debriefed by her or his best friend Guile.