[quote=@Banana] [@KoL] I'm about 90% certain that if Bonesword took control of the roses he would become hypnotized and be allied to Hell. [/quote] Victoire: Makes a veeeeery faked shocked expression. "You don't say it!" [quote=@Lmpkio] Jeezus, everyone wants a piece of Zeruel now. Thank the cowboy for assistance... not like he needed much. [@Floodtalon] Missiles? Really? Throw the biggest you can! They should surely work! [hider=My Hider] [img]http://i.imgur.com/euIO9aJ.gif[/img] (Spoiler Alert, he's unaffected by em) [/hider] [/quote] [quote=@TheWindel] [@Lmpkio] You're forgetting that these missiles were made by Silver Eyes. Something even Zeruel does not possess. [/quote] Actually, the right thing to say is you are forgetting that this is not Eva. Comparing power between different works doesn't make sense. Zeruel can be a tough cookie to chew, but he's not impossible to take down, that's for sure. Or, of you insist on comparisons, Eos can very well drop anything from TTGL there and test how long he can last against "da drill that'll pierce da heavens". [quote=@Lmpkio] Someone... for some god damn reason... make a character based off Quetzalcoatl (Aka: Thunder Tits) from Kobyashi. Some dragon goddess with no fucks given on any side and is somehow the most OP character in all of the land. Might as well call her "Godzilla Thundertits" or something. *Skreeenk* [/quote] Funny you mention this, [@TheWindel] knows that there's one of these floating on the background just waiting for a chance to appear. Including nickname and all, courtesy of a certain tsundere dragon goddess. Hehehe.