[b]Duchy of Konev[/b] Large cluster of solar systems given to the Konev family generations ago when they were made Dukes for service rendered to the Empire. Most dukes do not have territories so large as Konev but it is justified by most of it being radiation blasted wastelands due to the close distance to the galactic core. Still, this unexplored waste proved to at least be resource rich though harsh environements make harvesting these resources dangerous and tedious, thus only the easiest of access locations are exploited at the moment by strings of outposts manned mainly by Crayvens and a handful of human supervisor, generally as punishment for pass behavior. [url=http://img03.deviantart.net/282c/i/2011/247/e/0/fabrik_planeten_by_jacobcharlesdietz-d48vjh6.jpg]-Gulag[/url]: Renamed by Admiral Konev's Great Grandfather when he gained his Duchy, this planet was the only one with a xeno race calling it home, it was brought to extinction within a century after the war as they were worked to death. Now, this ball of toxic radiation where even Crayvens need protection equipment to survive serve as the industrial core of the duchy. Woe to those who have to live there though. [url=http://pre04.deviantart.net/d6a0/th/pre/i/2013/217/d/4/cross_fate_city_concept_by_adimono-d3rdiy0.jpg]-Admiral's Rest[/url]: The only spot of green and blue in the duchy, this tidally locked moon of Gulag boasts an extremely dense core giving it earth like gravity and a strong magnetic field protecting it from the core radiations. It is the central human hub of the sector and indeed almost all humans call it home abd everywhere else temporary (hopefully) assignment. This moon, because of the strong magnetic field, has the anomaly of preventing wireless communications. Indeed, everything is wired and transmissions coming in or out of the planet need to go through The Ladder. [url=http://img05.deviantart.net/97d5/i/2010/136/e/7/legendary_ladder_by_priteeboy.jpg]-The Ladder[/url]: Admiral's rest and Gulag are tidally locked to one another, which is what gave Admiral Konev's great grandfather the idea to link the two of them and by doing so, make the Rest more connected to the rest of the empire, the large station and the junction of the two planet's gravity field serving as a communication center. [url=http://pre09.deviantart.net/82d5/th/pre/f/2014/124/d/c/seldon_crisis__station_by_adamburn-d7h58y7.jpg]-Armory One[/url]: A work of fortification made to resist an invasion force from wither Mekhar or the Kegran confederacy, this fort isn't an extremely impressive impregnable fortress as much as it is an extremely annoying thorn in anyone's side if they try to conquer the region. Indeed, this asteroid base is hidden in a very dense field of them where spy cameras, mines and other traps wait to ensnare an invader. One needs the station to transmit the right route, which changes every couple of weeks, to make it in one piece. This thing is so damn annoying however because it isn't a work of fortification, but a base for cruisers and smaller ships who will absolutely wreak anyone's supply lines if left alone, forcing anyone going through the Konev system to either assault it or commit a disproportionately large amount of forces to siege it.