[h1]Plot Points:[/h1] Era of Imperialism: When every race came into being and began conquering and building huge cities and civilizations. War was regular among these primitive tribal City-states. Era of Peace: When every land had been conquered and borders had been drawn between nations, an unsteady global peace fell across the world. Technology for Man-Kin and Allfolk reached Industrial levels, though Dwarves reached an almost Modern Technological level. Era of Strife: The Old Kind awakens and unleashes death and destruction across the peaceful world that they had made, causing disasters both natural and unnatural. Leaving the world in a state of frenzied volcanic activity bringing about the Era of War. Era of War: With no one to Identify the Old King, everyone turned to the Steelwalkers in their rage. For they were older than even the Old King, and they held long known secrets of the World. War was waged against the Steelwalkers, and infighting began among all of the factions. Splinter groups formed even in the most familiar groups, though the Steelwalkers remain united. The irony is, The Steelwalkers came before the Old King, and were in slumber until long after his reign.