[hider=Doc Lea] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170323/b653451403fb202b4a33b6525d882dad.png[/img] [img]http://t06.deviantart.net/FE-fFmBg-x1YBd_ZzSYbuBMgVkc=/fit-in/700x350/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre09/5937/th/pre/i/2016/191/f/8/plague_doctor_by_zera_sama97-da9i7f6.jpg[/img][/center] [b][color=6ecff6]Name:[/color][/b] Ahleya "Lea" Bursmir [b][color=6ecff6]Race:[/color][/b] Human [b][color=6ecff6]Age:[/color][/b] 28 [b][color=6ecff6]Gender:[/color][/b] Female [b][color=6ecff6]Appearance:[/color][/b] Lea looks as normal as any human could be, save for her heterochromic eyes with the right one being ruby red and the other a bright azure blue. These tends to distract people from listening to her but she manages to snap them back to attention soon enough. Her black hair cascades all the way down to around her mid-back, silly in texture and quite shiny when under the light (but not to extremes). Lea tends to wear her lab gown almost anywhere she goes inside the ship so as to not look very informal (her superiors stressed this before she left). However, under her lab gown are usually simple clothing. Though there are times where she is seen in a simple blazer, shirt and slacks. This has been increasing in frequency the more time she spends inside the ship. She always seems to carry around the Plague Doctor Mask hanging from her slacks. She sometimes scares fellow staff with it. [b][color=6ecff6]Equipment:[/color][/b] [list] [*] Plague Doctor Mask - a small collectible she owns that she would often carry around and sometimes even wear around. It has a built in filter and the likes so it still helps her to some degree. [*] Medical Equipment - Though she already has magic to heal others, she still carries around an emergency medkit filled with reliable Bursmir-branded medicines/small machines just in case she depletes her mana reserves. [*] Laser Pistol - Given to her for self-defense with plasma cartridges that can be recharged in the sunlight or any source of natural light (though it charges much faster when exposed to the light of the stars). Rarely uses it. [/list] [b][color=6ecff6]Attunement/enhancements:[/color][/b] Life Attunement [b][color=6ecff6]Unique Ability:[/color][/b] [list] [*] Enhance - They say Life Attunement allows one to manipulate their/another's body freely. Lea goes to the next level for this. By manipulating the muscles and tendons of another person, they are able to have enhanced physical abilities (speed, strength, etc.). Not to the point of superhuman, but only enhanced as to help them. These come at a price as too much of this would make the body convulse after the effect has worn down and be rendered unusable for a short amount of time for the body to readjust itself once more. [*] Medic! - Most of the members of the Bursmir family has this unique element to them. It's why they are one of the best doctors in the worlds. Lea has the ability to see what is wrong with a person by looking at them. It's more like seeing the chemicals in their brains working and then seeing if there's anything abnormal happening internally - like seeing a small virus strain would make her alarm go off. This comes at the cost of nausea, and when used too much, fatigue or passing out. [/list] [b][color=6ecff6]Personality:[/color][/b] Lea is an oddly passive person and is most likely to let loose than be stiff, even in the presence of her superiors. She speaks casually even when diagnosing something life-threatening for patients - much to their dismay or enjoyment. People often find it easy to talk to her and let out their feelings because of the friendly aura that she exudes. Considering that a smile is the most natural thing she can do other than manipulating the bodies of others, it is understandable why. She is even often seen conversing with prisoners while they're in the recreational room or just roaming around. Heck, she even approaches them in their cells to talk to them. She is the type of person who hides nothing. She is a very transparent person and one who is pretty blunt too. Brutal honesty is one of her traits, if it is the best or the worst is subjective. Fear is something that doesn't seem to register well in her mind. She knows when she's in danger but she doesn't seem to appear shaken. People often think that she is simple confident or really good at hiding her feelings, but in truth, she simply doesn't feel fear. Lea isn't sure why. Wrong genetic coding maybe? [b][color=6ecff6]Bio:[/color][/b] Let's start with Lea's family - the Bursmir. They are a well-known medical family that has bases almost everywhere and is trusted by many of the public. Inventors of medicine and medical machines, they had sold so much that they had managed to rise up from a small clinic at a small countryside and extended their reach to the nearby city and then to another and so on and so forth until so many years later - they are one of the largest companies in the current date. Though the Bursmir had its far share of bumps along the road. After the appearance of the Attuned, the family had been torn apart. They fought with each other regularly and separated the super company into two. Subterfuge, underhanded tactics, dirty rumors - the Bursmir's family name had been tainted by their fights. It was merely because of jealousy that this all started and it would only take a small group of Bursmir family members to put a stop to it once and for all. Creating a contract which agrees that both the Life Attuned members and the machine wielders would be used in the hospitals for maximum effectiveness. With begrudging hearts, they accepted, finding that they had lost their original goal - to help others. And so, it brings us to the present where it has become a supercompany once more. Young Lea is a part of the main family and secondborn to it so she has no right to assume the family throne as that will be given to her older brother - Kyle. She and Kyle were close to each other and none held grudged between each other even though Kyle was not an Attuned whereas she was. While Lea trained in both the arts of using her magic and using the Bursmir technology, Kyle learned all about running the company and also using Bursmir Technology. Lea was considered a prodigy in both arts, earning the jealousy of her brother to which she is oblivious about. At the mere age of 19, she graduated from med school and was on her way to becoming a doctor while Kyle was still struggling to keep up. There had been talk that Lea would inherit the Bursmir Inc. but she dismissed these as mere rumors. She continued on with her life and became a well-known doctor for being both lax and easy to talk to. Lea was approached by her father when she was 22 while Kyle was still at school. He offered to give her the company as she seems to be more capable than Kyle. However, she turned him down. Kyle was way more responsible than she will ever be and she's not one for business. Her father accepted her decision. This conversation reached Kyle and he got angry at both his father and Lea, but more on the latter. Pure, unbridled rage erupted from her brother and he hit her two times. Lea never fought back, knowing that things would turn out badly should she fight back. She never told anyone about it and healed herself rather quickly to hide it from their father. As Lea grew older, the siblings became more and more distant. The recent death of their father placed Kyle on the seat and has ruled rather fairly. He then ordered Lea to volunteer for The Alactraz, for reasons unknown. Lea was happy to oblige as this gives her ample time to research about the prisoners locked up in the high-security level prison ship. [b][color=6ecff6]Others:[/color][/b] [List] [*] As head of the medical team (which is composed of only five people), she has full access to the prisoners' and staff's profiles and she has utilized it all. The reason for her having such access is because their medical records are in there and she has to review them for better medication. [*] She carries around the Plague Doctor Mask to remind her and others of the devastating effects of both the Black Plague and the doctors' incompetence. She does enjoy the morbid irony she's doing - often finding it funny even. [/List] [/hider]