[center][h1][color=0076a3] Keeran [/color][/h1][/center] [center] [hider=My Appearance] [img]http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/c2a43aeaed31084e79c3d8e0ab17ec03/http://i1052.photobucket.com/albums/s448/EpicAnime19/Anime_boy-1.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/center] Keeran's stay on board the Alcatraz could only be described as strange, as most who assume to know this supposed "Psychopath" would hazard to guess that Keeran would be violent, he would have murdered someone or tried to riot. Anyone who read his files would have been put on high alert with him on board, but what happened in reality was very mind blowing to everyone. Well anyone was wasn't a sociopath like him. Keeran was actually very polite, and very docile the entire time he was being escorted on board. To properly explain we need to go back a few weeks before Keeran was assigned to board the Alcatraz. [center][u] Three weeks prior to boarding the Alcatraz [/u][/center] Keeran was bravely walking down the sidewalk of the city he was in, which was unknown to him at the moment. He had recently escaped from a maximum security prison two states over to the east, in which he had started a riot in the courtyard, killed am armored security guard, donned his outfit and gear, and easily walked out of the prison from a side exit. He did not get very far before alarms were raised in response to his escape, in fact his every move was documented save for the moments when he killed the guard and donned his outfit. The security guards stationed to watch the cameras were just so happen able to recognize Keeran's face and sounded the alarm but by the time anyone was able to do anything about it Keeran was able to stay three steps ahead. When he escaped from the building Keeran had to think fast. He needed to hide or get far away but there was nothing around for miles. So Keeran sat by the side of a car in the parking lot he ran to, trying to think of a plan, when suddenly the car he was leaning against lit up as if someone was unlocking the car from a distance. Keeran peered underneath the car and saw a man in a suit walking towards the other side of the car, the drivers side. Keeran smiled, birthing an idea that was slightly insane. Keeran crawled underneath the car and held on to the underside of the vehicle as its driver turned on the vehicle and drove out of the parking lot. Keeran nearly failed when going over speed bumps, very awkwardly maneuvering himself so that right before he hit the speed bump he wedged himself even further into the mechanics of the underneath of the car so he would only be grazed by the bump. It still hurt his back slightly, but it was nothing compared to the pain that he was subjected to in Prison. Keeran was able to hold on for the entire drive, for however long it was, and when the car stopped it parked itself into a parking spot that appeared to belong to a rather bland office building. Keeran crawled out from underneath, still wearing the guard uniform but he ditched the armor awhile back, and rushed behind the driver of the vehicle he escaped out of. Keeran almost laughed at his good fortune, or bad fortune depending how you looked at it, and realized he managed to snag a ride out of the prison underneath the car of the Prison Warden. Keeran had one hand holding nape of the Wardens suit jacket, and his other feeling around the Wardens pockets for the car keys. He contemplated what he needed to do next. He could spare the Warden, killing him out of rage for the torture the Warden inflicted on him was not really his sane style, by knocking him out or choking him out. He could kill the Warden, dead men tell no tales. But more than likely people were already alerted if security wa spaying attention the cameras that were posted around the parking lot and in front of the building entrance. Keeran sighed, then wrapped his right arm around the neck of the Warden. He held this grip until the Warden passed out, then smiled deviously. He had another idea. Keeran held the car keys in his hand, and held the back of the wardens head in his other. He dragged the Warden to the passenger side of the car and placed him neatly inside the vehicle. Keeran fished out the Wardens cell phone, placed it in his pocket, got into the drivers seat and drove out of the parking lot. He spent a small amount of time driving before the Warden awoke. [Warden] Wha-what? Whats going on, whats happening? The Warden looked at Keeran and gasped. [Warden] You! Hishamie! You son of a bitch, your gonna pay for this. Couldn't just leave me alone, or really leave the planet alone and die properly huh? Keeran smiled and shrugged. "[color=0076a3]Trust me if I could I might actually be into that, but for some reason good ol planet Earth just does not want to let me go. I can't seem to die, and you just love to take it out on me huh? I mean cmon it isnt like I killed the prison guard that your son is dating. What was the guards name? Chet right? Yea he cried like a bitch when I gave him a nice little tumor to deal with. He cried and cried unitl the tumor grew three times its regular size and he died, choking in a pool in his own blood.[/color]" The Wardens face grew red, and he almost attempted to lash out but when he saw the look in Keerans eyes he calmed down. The Warden thought about how he might have a chance to survive this, and if he did Keeran would be caught again, and sent back to his prison. If that happened the Warden swore he would find a way to kill Keeran [center][u] Two weeks prior [/u][/center] Keeran and the Warden were sitting silently inside a worn and torn one room apartment on opposites sides of the room. The Warden was rocking back and forth on the ground while Keeran and was smiling, twirling a knife in a most expert fashion. In the week that had proceeded Keeran kept the Warden on his toes, but also used him to stay ahead of law enforcement. Keeran knew that he would be caught eventually, but he decided that next time he escaped it would be the final time he would have to, he needed to settle a few debts on the outside then he can began some kind of life far away. The first thing he did was use the Wardens phone to track where he was and where he needed to go before he destroyed the phone and the chip inside. Then he drove to his destination, the next city over. The reason why he was sent to the Maximum prison that he was located at is because the last time he was caught he was actually caught in the city next to it. It was simply the closest prison but strangely it was the best equipped to deal with him. Keeran went on a slight psychotic rampage, but a directed and tactical rampage. He would set fire to buildings and break into stores, leaving messages only those it was intended for would understand. Keeran got the intention of the half dozen men he wanted to meet with, and one day while Keeran was walking with an uncomfortable and unwilling Warden, they were ambushed by a group of lackeys belonging to the half dozen men Keeran wanted to meet. Keeran and the Warden were led to an abandoned building where even more men were laying in wait with a small computer. The computer had only one program, one video, and it contained a message. The message was a voice message from one of the six men, simply stating Keeran will die before meeting them again. Then every men attacked Keeran and the Warden. Keeran could have taken care of every single criminal in the building, he has a large knowledge of unarmed combat skills and he was an Attuned. But the Warden had a secret baton that he thought Keeran did not know about, so the Warden tried to defend himself. Keeran watched, at the end of the fight, as the Warden got his hands dirty for once. He fought off three criminals, and ended up killing all three by bashing their heads in. When the fight was officially over, the Warden fell to his knees and cried. He had killed three people and now he was no better than the criminals he was in charge of. Keeran smiled, proud of his work. They left the building, the Warden now much more silent and obediant from the mental abuse from Keeran and the now guilt of murder which was fresh in his mind every time he closed his eyes. Fast forward to when they were in the one room apartment, Keeran was officially fed up with the silence. Keeran walked over and crouched in front of the Warden, who recoiled away from the presence of Keeran. Keeran shushed the Warden and put a hand on the Wardens shoulder. "[color=0076a3]Listen you did what you had to do. I admit that you were there because of me, but you didnt have to kill those men to stop them. Admit it, you enjoyed the rush huh? Tired of watching others hurting others and were able to finally dish out some of your own pain?[/color]" The Warden looked up, tears in his eyes and a strange look on his face. But there was something else, a single sparkle in the corner of his eyes. Something inside the Warden seemed to snap, and a smile formed on his face. [center][u] One week prior [/u][/center] The next two days was spent in a rush, Keeran and the Warden fulfilling Keerans revenge. They found more of the lackeys who belonged to the men who they were after, and after a few torture sessions the location of each man was released. Keeran and the Warden found, tortured, and killed all six men. Keeran would let the Warden get in the last torturous and fatal blow, letting the Wardens dark side grow. After his revenge was played out, Keeran explained to the Warden why they did what they did. They betrayed Keeran the last time he got out, turning him in to the feds and helping in his capture. Keeran felt slightly betrayed, considering all he did was kill a few of their guys every time he would meet with each of them. It wasnt his fault, the lackeys kept trying to ask him questions. But now he needed a favor. He needed to go back inside, inside the prison, because he still had a rep to protect. The authorities and the government were hot on their trail and it was only a matter of time before he was caught again, and he wanted to be caught on his own terms. If he was going to be caught he wanted his rep to be protected. Plus he would escape again, since he was now besties with the Warden. He just needed a few favors from his new buddie...... Keeran gave himself up and receive only minimal bruising from his captors. His original plan went swimmingly, he was sent back to the original prison he escaped from under the pretense that more safety measures would be set in place. At least for a small amount of time. For the next few days, Keeran roamed the prison freely, making sure his new found social status in the prison was known by all. But after two days of being in the prison he was suddenly transfered by governemnt agents and was given a place on the Alcatraz. Long story short, when the list of criminals was being made of who would have a place on it, a long time ago, Keerans name was put near the top of the list. They just had to find suitable equipment and people to hold him and watch over him. Keeran did not understand everything that was happening, but he knew his plans were ruined. But he did not let this over take him, he wanted to take advantage of whatever opportunities came up. The Anti Aggression field calmed his pyscho side down, so he was able to stay calm while aboard. His sane sociopathic side stayed calm, and Keeran kept himself from lashing out while on board. When the ship began malfunctioning, Keeran sat calmly in his cell. He smiled and waited for........something.