[center]⋙ [b]Detective David Levitski // Suburbs[/b] ⋘[/center] Detective Levitski bit down on the cigarette in his mouth, his brows furrowing as he looked over the scene. He had been the first police officer on the scene, and knew full well the EMT’s were on their way—he could hear the sirens blaring down the road a few city blocks from his current location—but the much needed medical assistance was the least prominent thing on his mind. What was most pressing on his mind was the fact that Officer Callum Lewis had shot and [i]killed[/i] a [i]civilian[/i]. Valid circumstances aside that wasn’t something you did without getting sniffed at by IID in a cold room with fingers pointed at you. Per his perspective, Officer Lewis was in for a bad night, a very bad night. The worst part of it was that he had to take the report of what happened and was now involved in this mess. He didn’t like IID and IID didn’t like him, but for once in eithers lives they wouldn’t be gunning for each other; this time, Levitski would be reporting on another fellow officer for something he only had words for. It was only a matter of time before they would show their faces. “Beake, how’s the kid holding up? The EMT’s are nearly here.” From a slight distance his partner, Detective Miranda Beake, gave him a look that he recognized as a tolerable one. It was a good sign, but for another human to have gnawed into another guy like that was a bit out there from either detective’s experiences, even if they accounted for all of the weird episodes with addicts and other deplorable criminals on the street. Cases like this were sorted as oddities—things that happen that really don’t fit with the normal happenings and expectations. “He’s keeping pressure, so I imagine he’ll be fine.” She responded, moving a strand of red hair away to the back of her ear. He nodded, exhaling another wisp of smoke from his lips as he looked back to Officer Lewis. “So, do you want to go over the story again?”