Both Andromedai and Solares hunkered down a safe distance away from the Psykers vortex, observing the powers of the warp betray the Chaos Space Marines and wreck havoc upon anything that was close enough to be affected by its pull. The swirelling vortex reached out with bolts of violet lightning in random succession, filling the air around it with an electrical energy unlike normal thunder and lightning. One of the Chaos Space Marines that carried a large, heavy bolter found himself pulled towards the middle of the vortex and quickly lost his footing upon the ground once Adrianne struck him with a ray of lightning. The Chaos Space Marine struggled against the forces of the vortex was was losing the fight and in a moment, would disintegrate at a molecular level. Seemingly unaffected by the pull of the vortex, Adrianne staggered back into the warehouse, almost tripping over her own feet before slumping against one of the heavy stone walls where she remained for the time being. Solares quickly dropped her jump-pack and made her way over to the Psyker's side, taking a knee and inquiring if she needed assistance. [color=ed1c24]"Are you alright, Psyker? they did not manage to shoot you, did they?"[/color] asked Solares, quickly but closely looking over the woman for any injuries. At this same time, the vortex had faded away, leaving carnage and debris in its wake, though the Chaos Space Marines still remained, in number and force. Moving into better cover a little bit further into the Warehouse, Andromedai prepped her heavily modified bolter and aimed down its holographic site, ready to fire the moment they Chaos Space Marines showed themselves once more. [color=00aeef]"Take positions and do not let them take this warehouse, there's more usefull items than weapons in here."[/color] said Andromedai. Within a couple seconds, a few Chaos Space Marines turned the corner and entered the warehouse before heavy bolter fire erupted from Andromedai's weapon, striking critical spots upon the hostiles. Then, as if a wave upon the ocean, their forces breached the front of the warehouse and started to rush carelessly into gunfire. [color=00aeef]"Hold your ground!"[/color] yelled Andromedai as she loaded another clip into her heavily modified bolter, then fired upon the hostiles once more. It seemed that the overwhelming force of the Chaos Space Marines would end their undoing, untill a number of explosions erupted from in front of them, sending gore and debris flying in every direction. Another round of explosions would shake the ground and rain viscera down upon the area. "Hellhammer at the ready, fire." the voice of the Imperial guard came through everyone's coms before the earth beneath their feet shook once more, almost knocking Andromedai and Solares onto their backs. Once the smoke, debris and gore settled around them, no living Chaos Space Marines remained. Large craters outside of the warehouse were now smoldering with glowing embers inside of them. "There's your fire support Celestian Andromedai, the whole district is being overrun with legions of traitors from the forces of Chaos. We recommend that you board our Hellhammer and ride with us to the main source of the invasion." Andromedai looked around the warehouse and noticed that besides the large amount of bolter fire, the warehouse was in great shape. More importantly, her squad seemed to be the same, at least everyone but the Psyker. [color=00aeef]"Your assistance is most appreciated, guardsmen."[/color] Andromedai would pause for a moment before checking her weapons and thinking about their next move. [color=00aeef]"Solares, assist Psyker Adrianne in anyway she may need, the rest of you board the Hellhammer immediately."[/color] said Andromedai, slowly standing up and ensuring she had not taken any rounds to anywhere important.