[hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=crimson][center]Spencer[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://i.ppy.sh/46e05df63e4fd0fac9209916621983e8dcf02571/687474703a2f2f6936332e74696e797069632e636f6d2f33306b613638352e706e67[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [center][color=crimson]Location: [/color]???, Shezze[/center][center][color=crimson]Interacting With: [/color]???[/center] Where others might have seen beauty in the young woman, Spencer saw only danger. Her eyes were drawn to the blades in which she had fastened to her back, a clear display of her ability to wield such weapons. Though Spencer knew she likely seemed like a frightened child in the woman's eyes, all she could think of was that she was a threat, that she needed to get away. The danger was simply too great; if one priest knew who she was, then likely more would be coming. Who wasn't to say this was merely in disguise? Such things weren't exactly beyond the doings of the Church, as Spencer knew very well... She struggled against the young woman, trying to pry herself from her grip. Her eyes gleamed with an almost rabid need to escape, and her heart rate just wouldn't settle. Breathing rapid, mind numb, all she wanted -- no, [i]needed[/i] in this moment -- was to get away from Shezze, as well as everybody in it. She'd assess if she'd been compromised later - for now, she need to run. [color=crimson]"Get away from me!"[/color] Cried the young vampire as she tried to push, so she could escape in the opposite direction. [color=crimson]"Let go! I want to leave! I want to [i]leave[/i]!"[/color] Tears filled the girl's opal eyes, streaming down her face like a beacon of pain, of fear. If she couldn't get to the Square quick enough, she might be stopped by others, perhaps even officials! She couldn't go back now! But her supplies had all been left back there! She just didn't know what to do! [color=crimson]"I don't know you, so leave me alone!"[/color]