[hider=Shaali] [b][color=598527][h2][center]Shaali Tunn[/center][/h2][/color][/b] [center][img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/39253653/large.jpg[/img][/center] [color=598527][b]Race:[/b][/color] Tulak [color=598527][b]Age:[/b][/color] 24 [color=598527][b]Gender: [/b][/color] Female [color=598527][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] Shaali is exactly how you would imagine an amazonian warrior would look: a sturdy looking woman standing at 5'8" with broad shoulders, strong arms, and muscular legs. Her face is strong with prominent cheekbones, thick eyebrows, and warm brick colored eyes. She had dark skin from being in a warm climate and light, fluffy hair, bleached from the sun. Shaali also has tribal tattoos banding her biceps and decorating her hands and feet like henna. Round, ram-like horns protrude from her head, a dark brown color from the hard enamel coating protecting the bone beneath. Her outfit stands apart from many other prisoners on the Alcatraz, showing that the culture from her homeland was far less advanced than many others from neighboring planets. Her garments were made mostly out of tanned and dyed leather, and wool or furs of some sort. Shaali was also a very decorated individual, as it had a lot of spiritual symbolism according to her people: she wore bangles of all sorts around her wrists and ankles, necklaces with shiny stones, and tied hemp rope garnished baked clay beads around her horns. [color=598527][b]Equipment:[/b][/color][list] [*]A medicine pouch with many herbs and seeds from her home planet, dried poultice, and cloth bandages. [*]A waterskin [*]A sharp, curved blade resembling a scimitar [*]A hand-made bow with a quiver of arrows[/list] [color=598527][b]Attunement/enhancements:[/b][/color] Earth Attunement [color=598527][b]Unique Ability: [/b][/color][list] [*]Mold- For a high mana output, Shaali can move and mold solid earth remotely as if it were wet clay in her hands. Through fluid movements of her body, she can take the malleable ground and force up a large rock or multiple small rocks to be used as projectiles, quickly shape a pillars to be used as shields, or mold hardened earth around herself as emergency armor in a pinch. [*]Sand Trap- In a situation too severe where she would need to retreat, Shaali can set dangerous pitfall traps in the ground where if you have the misfortune of stepping in one, the ground will collapse under you and then harden once you're in it, locking you in place. Depending on how much mana she has put into the trap, the squeeze from the earth could be gentle enough just to keep a firm hold on you or strong enough to crush bone. [/list] [color=598527][b]Personality: [/b][/color] Shaali doesn't really consider herself a good or a bad person, at the end of the day she's just trying to live the best she can. She is a woman of simple pleasures, a belly full of good food and sharing stories with friends around the fire is all it takes to make her happy. Because of such, she finds those who take part in frivolous activities or have an lust for material goods to be vain and foolish, though she's wise enough not to voice that out loud. Loyalty is probably her greatest strength; she is fiercely protective of those she is fond of and wouldn't hesitate to kill for them if she deemed it necessary. [color=598527][b]Bio:[/b][/color] Shaali is from a very old planet called Tanuu, one of the original settlements for the Tulak race. It went untouched by other races until rather recently, when humans, a known ally of the tulaks began making colonies on the planet to harvest the natural resources. The humans, for the most part, were surprised to find that the tulaks of this planet were far less "civilized" than the tulaks you would find in space. With the permission from the tulak ambassador that allowed them to settle on the little planet to begin with, the "education" program began. Deforestation projects of designated spots across the planet began in order to build towns closer to those on other planets began, and with that, Taanu became a far less peaceful place to live. Shaali was taken out of her jungle home and placed into a settlement when she was twelve and is was a rapid change of environment that she and the majority of her kin did not welcome, but were forced to accept and adjust to. She eventually grew into a young woman and was blessed with two adorable younger siblings: her brother Moa, who is 10, and her sister Kinu, who is 6. Despite the fact that the human immigrants were trying to "help" the tulaks, relations were strained between the two races, especially in the education settlements. Many humans viewed the tribal practices and rituals that the Tanuu tulaks as foolishness performed by savages, and would voice the culture as a distraction to those in the programs. Kinu, unfortunately, was born with a developmental disability and was learning the second language (the common language spoken among most allied races) slower than the other kids, only knowing a few words and being unable to form sentences properly. A visiting instructor from the head education settlement happened upon this knowledge, and stated that the outlandish tribal culture was a distraction to the girl's education. The man decided that he would send Kinu to an intensive learning facility and wouldn't return her until her was pleased with her progress. Shaali could initially do nothing but watch as her little sister was forcibly taken from their home, but as Kinu screamed and cried, the instructor struck her the face in an attempt to silence her. Losing her temper, Shaali broke free from her restraints and caught the man in a sand pit, that sucked him down to his waist, allowing her sister to escape. She then proceeded to behead the man where all could see and bystanders watched in horror as the ground continued to suck the limp corpse into it's maw with a satisfying crunch. She was arrested on sight and sentenced to life upon the Alcatraz. [/hider] Please let me know if there's anything I need to change :)