[@mattmanganon][@TheUnknowable] As the two chattwed the young padawan was talking with the holograms and smiled as she nodded as she came up with a peaceful way to do as she wished to do. She nodded as th simulation ended "finished" she beamed happily as she had done a third party as she had said that would be paid by those willing to aid the man as well as to make sure that the fence that was made would be strong enough to deal with unwanted attention. though yes the man would have to pay around 80 for the repairs and upgrades as well. She smiled looking at the two talking and wondering why they were talking to each other. So she took the time to spin around in the chair and close her eyes to relax. She didn't like hearing others talking all the time it could be boring to her to listen to. She looked at the others and streched out her back and looked at the two now as she waited to know what was going on.