[@Thinslayer] Laina rises from her position on Gorman and sighs. [color=powderblue]"I'm...I'm sorry. That was completely unexpected...I'll - I'll go get this cleaned for you."[/color] She gives an uneasy smile, rising up so that she crouches on the grass. Her hands fumble to the dirty rag that she's forgotten to clean. She swings it back and forth before giving a shy nod to Gorman and disappearing into the green foliage of the forest. She walks for a bit, following the sounds of a gushing stream before she comes across the river. Laina takes off her shoes and sits down on the bank, careful to mind some of the slippery rocks under her bare feet. She leans over slightly and starts rubbing at the rag. She watches as the muck washes away downstream and gives a tiny sigh. What she did back there...it was totally uncalled for. She had missed so much warmth in the years ever since her sister had gone that she was resorting to a minute old crush? She squeezed the water out of the rag and got up, slipping on her shoes and walking back to camp. [color=powderblue]"I really should've gotten dinner ready."[/color] She shakes her head at herself as she mutters. She reaches the place where she has left Gorman and quickly drops the clean rag into his hands. [color=powderblue]"Here. I've washed it in the nearby stream..."[/color] Laina trails off when she spots Vert, clearly in agony. [i]Why didn't she feel the waves of hurt radiating off of Vert sooner? She was usually used to feeling all sorts of tingles through her body at someone else's pain and yet...pain this bad should've struck her hard. What was up with this place?[/i] She gives a quick smile to Gorman, gesturing over to Vert before crossing the expanse of grass between them. [@Cuccoruler] [color=powderblue]"Hey are you alright?"[/color] Laina eyes Vert slowly, the glowing power already warming up her hands. Even now, being so close to Vert she couldn't feel anything at all.