[@FallenTrinity] it could be argued that Dragons are also descendants if they carry the blood of a seraphim (or any other race). Even in thr smallest amount. But most dont consider Dragons descendants. This is why those who can shapeshift. The war was started around 1000 years ago. But lasted for about 500. KING Vrondi is over 600 and was born during the dragon wars final hundred years. Full blooded dragons are usually immortal. Though there are different kinds. In dragon hierarchy the most intelligent ones are the most powerful and magically inclined. The lessers are feral and are used like cattle or act like wild beasts. Shapeshifting depends on the dragon amd its creator. The usual limitations are if you spend too long in one form its hard to change to the other. Also any form you take you have to have practiced it many many times to get it right. Also shifting spends some of your souls essence same with other spell. Overall good looking profile.