[center][h1][color=00aeef]Ren[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] [center]A quick break.[/center] [hr] Rento extended her remaining cables to cover for Renli's starboard gunnery position. A short 'jolt' dropped her body to the floor in the middle of the gunnery positions as all of her processing power was devoted to maintaining the ship's safety automatically, as in the past several minutes, she and the Tower had collected more than enough data on the chaos outside to form a defense routine. Renli stood up and exited his gunnery position and gave his other body a glance. Rento wasn't exactly in an attractive position, lying face-down on the floor with cables flailing about in the gunnery hall, but aesthetics weren't really that important. Renli stepped over the body and made his way to the cockpit, where he figured he'd get the chance to meet at least a couple crew members. He wasn't entirely sure what he had said to them as Rento, but it'd be a good chance to figure out what was going on. Stryker was on the comms with what Renli assumed was the boarding party. "Energy readings are spiking again, and the system is just getting more crowded up here with every blast that strikes a moon or one of the planets! Bomb squad, status update?" Images from the Tower's camera network suggested that Stryker was perhaps being overly dramatic. While there was a lot more debris floating around, most of it wasn't anywhere near the Revenant. But then, Stryker wasn't a machine... Or a semi-fungoid humanoid corpse. Renli wandered over and leaned against Stryker's chair as he examined the readings on the consoles. [color=0076a3]"I take it things are going fairly well in there."[/color] As he spoke, a large piece of flying rock came into view from a sensor blind spot, hurtling towards the Revenant's nose. The Tower sent a jolt of energy to the port-forward and starboard-aft RCS thrusters, jerking the ship a few degrees to the right, and a beam of light sliced the rock perfectly in half, followed by an explosive ballistic round detonating between the two glowing chunks, sending them spinning out of the Revenant's flight path. Rento's automatic targeting was perfectly on-point. [@Crossfire][@Banana]