[@Lmpkio] I am of the understanding you've been in furious negotiations with the GMs at to Zeruel's fate and, while I may not be of GM status any longer, I feel I need to speak nonetheless. Zeruel is a character I have personally come to loath. I contribute a measure of my hiatus to his existence. Perhaps if you did not treat him with the reverence of a Mary Sue then this would be otherwise, but as it stands that is not the case. He has stepped into some major dog shit and clearly made himself the High Value Target of the battle by being a giant, malevolent Angel shooting explosions from its eyes and showing an aptitude for surviving anything that does not ensure total annihilation. Of course everyone wants to target the big guy with a target on his chest, because if they don't dog pile then he shrugs it off without a scratch. There is no one to blame but Zeruel's own grandiose nature for why he is so hounded by adversaries, and the sooner you accept this, the sooner you can be apprised of a little, teensy weensy factoid about this RP. One could say it's the cornerstone of everything; [h2][center]Death has no consequence.[/center][/h2] Now I know this invalidates most of his backstory and all, cause frankly if he was made by Deva inside the Nexus, then Adam and other Angels shouldn't have been killed at all, but this rule was Day 1. The crux of the RP and a fundamental mechanic. And that doesn't even acknowledge that the GMs are not asking you to die right this second. Just acknowledge a hit and take the wounds that are due. So quit the belly aching, stop god moding like some VN main character with Plot armor, and accept that damage is coming his way and he can not shrug it off like it is nothing.