Going to make an attempt here. [@6slyboy6] Tell me what you'd like to see changed. [hider=The Relicant Union] [b]Name:[/b] The Relicant Union [b]Flag:[/b] A black galactic spiral (2 arms) in a dark blue background. In the core of the galactic spireal there is a white orb with a single red, vertical line. [b]Type of Government:[/b] Theocracy. [b]Description of Government:[/b] The main goverment body of the Relicants is the Council of Prophets. These days nations is an obscure and abstract idea dating back from before the unification. However, tradition still begs that each nation sends a Prophet to sit on the Council. The High-Prophet acts as chairman of the council. Currently it is being held as political hostage (not in public, obviously) by the human goverment. who uses it to keep control over the population. [b]Main race:[/b] Relicants. Small (1.50m), hairless bipedal creatures that generally live beyond 300 years old. They have mostly human-like skin but without any hair on it. Their eyes are better developed but they do lack noses. Compared to humans they look very much alien. Especially because they lack 2 of the 4 fingers humans have. Despite being the main race, the population counts less than the migrated humans (30% of general population). [b]Minority races:[/b] Migratory humans. [b]Demography:[/b] Relicants - 30% Humans - 70% [b]Religion:[/b] The Seed-Gods The Relicants believe that they have not evolved on their home-planet. Instead, they were seeded by another sentient race. They consider that race to be inter-galactic, even inter-dimensional gods. Prophets have the holy obligation of leading their kin towards the stars and beyond in a search for these Gods. However, after many ages of exploration, Malathar the Wise, the Great Prophet then came up with another idea. The expanse of the universe is so big that finding their nomadic gods would be almost impossible. But that wasn't what the Seeders wanted. He claimed that even now the Seeders are watching from a great distance. They are observing their creations and their growth like parents watching their children learn. Both the happiness of life and the hardships of it. Malathar explained that only by maturing as a race, they would find their Seeder-Gods. Only by creating pure perfection, would their makers reveal themselves and welcome them. [b]Culture:[/b] Art and engineering are, fundamentally, skills of creation. In an equally fundamental way, they are combined within the society of the Relicants. Engineer-Artisans and Scientist-Artists make up the vast bulk of the Relicant population. Almost all jobs most humans would keep separated are fused in harmony within the Relicant society. Doctor-Clerics and Scholar-Warriors are but more examples of strange, tranquil fusions. It is not by chance that the Culture of the Relicants is rich and well-recorded. Statues, plaza's, neat and well-maintained gardens fill the many cities. Their buildings invoke a sense of benevolent greatness. However, humans commonly marvel at the Relicants ability to constantly manipulate their environment. Cities are far from static. Statues move, float, or spin (generally very slowly but still). Since Malathar the Wise, Relicants have become increasingly isolated. Not really because they dislike other beings. But mostly because they see no point in communication with them. That being said, they will still welcome any race with open arms. Even humans, initially. Or rather, that was the plan. But certain events reversed this idea completely. With the human occupation came a lot of strife to their Home planet of Relica. Humans started looting the expertly crafted pieces of art as well as many Relicant creations. With pure disregard, they started to litter in their gardens and befoul the buildings. Relicants themselves are now constantly put under pressure to craft more and more of their pieces of art as they generally make a lot of money in the human economy. [b]History:[/b] The Relicants believe that during antiquity they were placed upon the planet by the Seeder-Gods to watch over Relica. Ancient reasons generally diverge. However, as science progressed, the Relicants started to understand that their planet held certain valuable materials like the super-conductive material Relicium. It granted them power over their environment they could barely imagine. Thus began the great expanse of every nation of Relicants. Obviously, there have been wars for Relicium and other valuable resources. However, the planet managed to unify itself in one of the most unlikely ways: religion. As nations grew further and further apart, with the start of globalization the many Relicant religions found a suspicious amount of parallel running thoughts. As the Relicant Disunities Wars got more and more gruesome, the many religions set aside their differences and created the first Concordat. In the meeting held they agreed upon a roadmap towards religious unification. War propaganda and hate-filled messages were slowly but steadily replaced with messages of peace and curiosity. Eventually, when the 5th Relicium Concordat was signed, the planet of Relica was unified. Which lead to both an explosion of economy and science. Twenty years later and the Relicants took to the stars. Three hundred years later and the Relicants started exploring the many systems around them. However, they still believe that Relica is their jewel and should thus be protected at all cost. No colonies far beyond the Relica System were established and most served as an outpost for their small Theocracy. When the humans came, some 1.200 years after the signing of 5th Relicium Concordate, the Relicants believed that finally an emissary of their gods had been sent from another Galaxy. Many pilgrims boarded ships to travel to these humans. However, the humans, upon reaching an armada, seemed to have judged them dangerous and thus proceeded to annihilate their entire fleet. Billions of civilians died. When eventually the humans reached Relica, they could easily take the skies. But the streets became home to the most horrendous terrors made by both sides. The Relica Pacification War was a short but absolutely brutal war. Many EOM veterans may still confess that Relica, despite its beauty, is a world that will tear your mind in pieces. [b]Important characters:[/b] [i]Master Assania[/i] Master Assania is the only Relicant alive that managed to master all the 4 sub-schools of the Tranquil order. Even now she remains imprisoned within Axially prison, together with the many other masters that are still alive. Assania is a wise, venerable and respected woman that often is said to radiate tranquility and peace. However, recently EOM soldiers report that her demeanor seemed to have shifted. That she, and many other masters, are starting to look at them with a bloodlust or a wicked desire. It is assumed that Assania is biding her time, knowing very well that the surviving member sof the Tranquil Order will want to break her out. When that happens, many expect the rebellion to become as brutal as the Pacification War. If not worse. Assania certaintly has the desire for it. [i]Head-Crafter Lundilius Cartegh[/i] Lundilius Carthegh leads everything that has to do with industry, construction and fabrication. Currently he is under incredible amounts of pressure by the humans to allow several laws to pass and enact a handful of edicts that would force his people to work longer and harder. Despite the pressure, LUndilius carries himself with pride and resistant. The humans know they cannot outright dispose of him as this could spark a rebellion amongst the craftmen. Genocide is not desired considering Relicant crafts are so lucrative. Never the less, dealing with Lundilius has proven to be quite a task. [i]High-Prophet Xanathor Yuïn[/i] Xanathor, while a full-fledged Prophet, is by many considered as a puppet of the humans. Forced to rule while simultaneously listen to the humans, Xanathor is in secret the rebellion leader. He holds sway over a small band of Shadowstalkers and because of him, several key operations have been conducted so far. He is shrewd and cunning. Which the humans know and try to contain. Clearly, they are failing at that task. [b]Description of Military:[/b] [hider=The Tranquil Order] The Tranquil Order is the unified military force behind the Relicants. Due to the low count and pacifistic belief, not many Relicants join the order for outright combat purposes. While the Relicants have been unified for easily over a millennium, a difference in culture can still be sensed. As well as a difference in combat doctrine which is influenced by a style of living. The Tranquil Order sents out its apprentices on a trip around Relica to learn the many ways of the many nations. In both life and combat. This trip mostly takes over 5 decades. However, once returned, they are expected to remain within the order for another 25 years. After which they are free to leave. Many Relicants joined the Tranquil Order for this subsidized trip around their planet. [indent][i]Apprentices[/i] - Even with the human occupation, Apprentices are still allowed to travel the world. Depending on how much they've seen, they can be weaklings that shouldn't be trusted with an implant or capable fighters that can take on a trained EOM trooper. Never the less, Apprentices are rarely seen in a fight. Commonly Apprentices do not receive special armor. Instead, they are handed a robe and walking stick. Generally, one that's been used several times before him/her. Most traveling happens by foot however those of the Tranquil Order can generally ask for a bed and a meal in any Relicant house. A true code of honor is respected by both sides to accomplish this. However, with human occupation, this unwritten agreement came under severe stress. [i]Scholar-Warriors[/i] - After their apprenticeship, Relicants become Scholar-Warriors. They learn to control their mind and body to an insane degree within their chosen monastery. More importantly, their Civilian-Model implant is replaced with an Ascendant-class implant. Allowing for great control of their environment as well as their integrated suit. Scholar-Warriors are the backbone of the Tranquil Order and the bane of many EOM soldiers. Still, despite this, their numbers have always been low. While the traveling is a major part of Apprentices, it does not vanish entirely among the Scholar-Warriors. Some chose to take up pilgrimage towards other monasteries. Furthermore, Scholar-Warriors generally start modifying their integrated suit to their liking. Personalizing it which becomes a double edged blade. Each individual Scholar-Warrior is more efficient but the suits can only be worn by one, specific Scholar-Warrior. [i]Tide-Casters[/i] - Utilizing electromagnetism joined by fully integrated neuro-interfaces enhancing their psychic and psionic abilities has always stood at the core of the Relicants as a whole. Tide-Casters push the electromagnetic aspect to a maximum. The name Tide-Caster came from their ancient order where they harnessed the power of the sea and oceans. These days they can still manipulate water into crushing waves or allow for faster aquatic transportation. In space, they used their magnetic influence on manipulating nebulae. Tide-Casters were commonly underestimated by EOM soldiers during the early phases of the Pacification. These days the Tide-Casters are imprisoned in their coastal monastery under the watchful eye of the EOM. [i]Geomancers[/i] - Relicants have always favored mobility and constant change. Even in something as unmovable as the earth. Using a balance of electromagnetic field manipulators and psionic enhancers, the early Geomancer order could move rocks, metal, earth and many other substances. Everything solid was at their beck and call. When the Relicants set to space, Geomancers discovered a myriad of new, floating, solid substances in space. Through intense study, they mastered the manipulation of asteroids and other, smaller, celestial objects. Just like with Tide-Casters, Geomancers are picked from the Scholar-Warrior caste. The Geomancers are locked up in the mountain cloister of Etheain. [i]Seers[/i] - A simple title but one of the most elusive ones as well. Seers are recruited from the Scholar-Warriors. Those showing an incredible psychic and psionic talent are generally chosen. Seers, while still trained in manipulating their environment, generally prefer to change the minds of their subject. They link up with others to gain a deeper understanding and are used as powerful diplomats during peace. However, the Seer order was one of the most devastating for human morale. So devastating, in fact, that they are now confined to their the Monastery with an EOM Cruiser hovering over it at all time. [i]Voidwalkers[/i] - When the Relicants took to the skies and beyond, they discovered that space, the great empty void, wasn't that void at all. In fact, it was filled with radiation, nano-scale dust particles, dark energy and many other strange and fascinating substances. While the Geomancers and the Tide-Casters went out to see how they could use what they were familiar with, Voidwalkers were those Scholar-Warriors who were curious what new things they could do. So far they are still considered a young sub-order yet they are indispensable to the Relicants for a multitude of reasons. For starters, they can guide ships in an accurate way through space by aiding and enhancing their engines. Further more, Voidwalkers can manipulate energy. Previous ships have often used railgun-style weaponry however, recently more and more Voidwalkers are confident in their psionic ability that they claim they could replace starship weaponry. Mostly because of their usefulness to space travel, most Voidwalkers have been put under surveillance at the very least. Their orbital monastery, the hardest monastery to reach, is closed down and under guard by several corvettes and a destroyer. [i]Masters[/i] - Those that mastered 2 of the 4 sub-schools of the Tranquil Order are called Masters. They generally prefer to travel and educate Scholar-Warriors and Apprentices they encounter on their road. While the number of Masters is incredibly limited, their skill and wisdom valued by even the Prophets. EOM, after the Pacification, tried to confine Masters to a single point. They succeeded in this challenge and now contain the Masters within Axially Prison. A complex previously used to house the worst of Relicant criminals. However, most EOM stationed there will talk about a dreadful feeling. As if the only ones that actually want to be there are the Masters themselves. Just as with the Seers, an EOM Cruiser is stationed permanently at the prison to deter breaking out. [i]Shadowstalkers[/i] - There are those amongst the Relicants that do not walk in the light. They have no interest in making waves or moving rocks. Nor in the extasy of the mind or the pure psionic energy of the void. No, they like the shadows and operate from every dark corner they can find. Their skills are generally a lethal combination of psionic and psychic abilities. Which they use to render their targets utterly helpless. Shadowstalkers have never been a formally acknowledged sub-order for obvious reasons. The human officials of the EOM continue to guess what black ops units the Relicants use(d). Yet no Shadowstalker has been found alive yet.[/indent] [/hider] [b]Technology:[/b] Relicant technology is largely based on their innate psychic and psionic power, as well as Relicium. Which allows for incredibly strong and fine magnetic manipulation. Many human admirals and other military officers, mistakingly, think Relicant technology is somehow better than theirs. However, their scientists seemed to disagree. Relicant equipment is simply over-engineered. Its incredible quality gives the illusion that it is somehow of a higher technological level. However, they will say that, due to Relicants their innate psionic abilities, most equipment will not work in the hands of humans. [b]Additional:[/b] [/hider]