[@6slyboy6] 1) yeah it's a little awkward. I suppose I'll call it a hyperdreadnought or something else. 2) I think I might go with just having not very many Commandos. I might add in some remote drones or something to serve as main infantry. Or maybe they'll just have very little infantry. 3)I was literally thinking of big frikin magnets but I care so little about that particular blurb I'll take it out. 4) Not too picky about the specifics, but I'm going for energy based flak, because projectile flak is far too low tech for the fancy pantsy Ashtar. Might switch that to something gravity based. Or a physical shell with an energy warhead? Not sure. 5) Thanks. When I made the Ashtar years ago, the Unity/Collective/Consensus/Union seemed really original. Time has proven it isn't really, but it's so integral to who they are, and it's fun to play with, so I keep it. Also yeah piloted ships are for chumps. Psintegrae operated drones FTW!