[@Ozerath] 3, I think magnets would also get torn aaprt if the a shell even managed to bend a WHOLECAST ship shell. Oh yeah, I also love that idea. That must make shipbuilding really hard lol. 4, You wish to have a pulse based flak that has an absolute 360(technically 720?) flak defense, but needs charging, right? Thats what I read from it anyways. According to physics, polarons are not really a thing you can just create and maintain, its more a sub process of reactions. However energy is a very vague term, and going with the no shields rule, mastering the control of electrons or whatever magic to create an energy shield around the ship is basically impossible with the tech level of the galaxy, or would take for many, many millenias to even create. Like I said with Ryteb, if you are too OP on tech, then why aren't you in control of the galaxy. However, lucky for you, a magical thing called "Beam Flak" is a totally legit thing. Just a small orb containing a laser no more than 1 meter in radius, it can very quickly melt shells and then track the next one. Should be fancy enough for yer dawgs. Alternatively, I can imagine some kind of a highly magnetic pulse emitting from a ship to slow down or even repel projectiles. The power shouldn't be a problem because of your energy generation, but lets jsut say you might have friendly fire with such a tech.