[quote=@Silverwind Blade] Land Rovers are a lot more common here. I cycle past a nice ex-military one that evidently belongs to a collector most days I cycle to work. It's still got the old markings and has the radio antenna bases still installed. I'll get a pic one day. There also a [url=http://www.tanks-encyclopedia.com/coldwar/UK/photos/Humber_pig_parola_1.jpg]Humber Pig[/url] that just sits in someone's drive in my home city too. I think because Portsmouth is a military town, there's quite a lot of stuff like that locally. One of the old defensive forts here was scheduled to become a museum, and they got to the point of bringing in a bunch of vehicles to exhibit, but never opened the museum. Now it's a park and ride for the local hospital, with a Chieftan tank out front, and apparently some more vehicles inside. [/quote] *Points at local Nat'l gaurd open-air armory, motor-pool, and Oshkosh truck MRAP storage/repair yard. Have chatted with M270 MLRS crewmen back when CNN was still mistakening them for bridgelayers. Doesn't take a 6 yr old long to count the number of tubes on one of those. "Why doesn't it have more rockets?" (was expecting, like, 40... just like BM-21) "It has enough."