[img]http://i.imgur.com/5FTfd6M.jpg?1[/img] [b]Full Name[/b]: Kora Mari Norrevinter [b]Nicknames/Aliases[/b]: The Berserker, The Viking, Red Sonja, That Ginger Lunatic [b]Age[/b]: 26 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Species[/b]: Werewolf [b]SCION Team/Rank[/b]: Wolf Moon, Field Agent with her eye on a leadership role. [b]Description[/b]: [indent] Kora is, shall we say,a rather distinct individual. Over six and a half feet tall, with wild, wavy red hair and pale skin, she comes across as pretty intimidating at first glance. And for many she only becomes more intimidating from there. Kora speaks with a distinct accent, closest to Norwegian, and is able to speak in English, Norwegian, and a strange dialect that is, in fact, Old Norse. She tends to shout when annoyed, or excited, or trying to emphasise, so she'd rather hard to ignore. Clothing-wise, most of the time Kora has little interest in dressing up, only tending to don anything very feminine when pressed. Most of the time she exists in a T-shirt and cargo pants. However she is rarely seen without her mjolnir, a little pewter charm in the shape of Thor's Hammer. She wears it nearly all the time, and tends to toy with it when nervous. [/indent] [b]Personality[/b]: [indent] Kora is defined mostly be being quite...intense. In pretty much all ways. If she is angry she is screaming and shouting and breaking things. If she's happy she's also screaming and shouting and breaking things. Most extremes of emotion seem to manifest in destruction of some form, and when she isn't doing any of these she's often listening to far-too-loud heavy metal music or drinking other staffers under the table. She can...grate on people a little. Kora has a serious trouble controlling her temper, and struggles not to fly into a rage at trivial matters. Kora has been raised to see herself as destined for greatness. The child of 100 generations of selective werewolf breeding, she feels that she is special, that she is just waiting to show the world something amazing. Whether this is justified or not, remains to be seen. Stemming from this, Kora is a little bit elitist in regard to werewolf bloodlines. She tends to see herself around the top spot, other old bloodlines below that, other born-wolves below that, and turned wolves at the very bottom. She doesn't mistreat them, but she will sometimes condescend to them and neglect to understand why they might be irritated by this. Additionally she tends to mistrust vampires, her bloodline having had a long running ancestral grudge with them, dating back to the roman era. Whilst she has many faults, Kora is, if nothing else, extraordinarily brave and unflinchingly loyal. She will take a bullet for anyone in SCION, several bullets most likely, and will still probably have enough fight in her to stove in the face of whoever it was holding the gun in the first place. [/indent] [b]Skills:[/b] [indent] Kora is the inheritor of the bloodline's much prized and cultivated power, the Berserker Rage. She is able to vastly increase her physical ability and become impervious to pain for temporary periods, making even her human form dangerous and her werewolf form like a furry tank. When this is invoked her body temperature spikes so high steam begins to rise from her nose and mouth, and contact with her skin will begin to burn and blister a person's skin. This combination results in unrivalled destruction, but is severely debilitating in the long run. [/indent] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [indent]The Norrevinter bloodline have been selectively breeding for the strongest and most dangerous werewolves for centuries. Unfortunately this sometimes involved marrying within the family. As a result a large number of health problems have been bred into those who inherit the berserker gene. Whilst most werewolves can live longer than the average human, the lifespan for her line is usually only around 30 years. Kora's blood vessels will often rupture in response to stress and power usage, and it's not unusual for her to vomit or cough up blood. Invoking berserkrgang only speeds this along, and puts additional pressure on her system, however the pain nullification effects of the ability often prevent her from realising this in battle. [/indent] [b]Brief History:[/b][indent] The Norrevinter bloodline are one of the oldest unbroken lines of werewolves in the supernatural world, able to trace their ancestry back to a pack of germanic tribal werewolves captured by a roman general and transported to Britannia during their occupation for use as gladiators. Supposedly their captor, and keeper for many years, and general and lannister named Caius, was a disguised vampire, and, from this long-remembered act of cruelty, the family developed a long-lasing hostility to the 'parasites'. During the dark ages, the family worked among humans as soldiers and raiders, becoming chiefs and heroes and sparking the historical accounts of the 'ulfhednar', the 'men in wolf skin', better known as the viking berserkers. They were revered among the norse culture as 'The Wolves of Odin' and remained in high regard until the pagan religion fell into decline, as more of Scandinavia converted to christianity, a faith with no place for their kind. In the modern era, the Norrevinter still retain quite a bit of political sway in supernatural society. This is despite their rather drastic decline over the years. Plagued by ill-health, very few still exist, but they remain the main link to the more...savage nordic wolves. The Norrevinter reached an agreement with SCION back in its early days, to offer up their heirs for service with the organisation. This allowed their sons and daughters to prove themselves on the field of battle without having to disguise their true natures...and without them having to start wars with other packs or species...something they weren't above doing in the past. As such, when SCION was revitalised, the organisation found themselves saddled with the newest addition to the family, a gangly, shouty and entitled teenager by the name of Kora. Over the next ten years said awkward teenager because a pretty impressive asset to the organisation. Kora was loud, uncouth and a stubborn as an ox, but she was also fearless and principled and an incredibly good fighter. She stands on the verge of being made a squad commander, something she's pretty keen on, but other things are also occupying her mind. [/indent]