[center][b]++GOOD MORNING++ ++ENVIRONMENTAL SCAN INITIATED++ ++ATMOSPHERIC SCAN CHECKSUM START++ +NITROGEN (N): [color=a2d39c]NORMAL[/color]+ +OXYGEN (O): [color=a2d39c]NORMAL[/color]+ +ARGON (Ar): [color=a2d39c]NORMAL[/color]+ +CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2): [color=a2d39c]NORMAL[/color]+ +■■■■■■■■■■: [color=fff200]CHECKSUM FAILED[/color]+ +FIFTH ELEMENT: [color=ed1c24]ABNORMAL/ABNORMAL/ABNORMAL[/color]+ +■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■: [color=ed1c24]ABNORMAL/ABNORMaL/[/color][color=9e0b0f]AbNorMAL[/color]+ ++CONFIRMED TRACE OF ■■■■■■■■■■ ANOMALY++ ++CONCLUSION: HIGH LIKELIHOOD OF ENCOUNTER WITH HIGHEST VALUE OBJECTIVE++ ++SENSORY MODE: SUBJECTIVE_[switched to]_OBJECTIVE++ ++AUTONOMY CIRCUIT_[rerouted to]_■■■■■ ■■■■■++ ++INSTRUMENTATION CIRCUIT_[rerouted to]_■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■++ ++CAMERA MODE: INFRA-RED_[switched to]_IMAGINARY NUMBER++ ++CREATING NEW COMBAT LOG++ ++FROM DESECRATION OF THE ■■■■, DELIVER ME FROM EVIL++ [/b][/center] [hr] [center][b]April 3rd, 2004[/b][/center] [color=7ea7d8]"Did you really have to make them leave? They both seemed like they wanted to stay here."[/color] [color=a2d39c]"Of course they did, but I can't let them risk their lives. Byakuya unsurprisingly wasn't selected by the Grail, and without a Servant he'll only be at risk. And Shinji...I know how much he wants to be of use, but given the scale this war will be at, it's too dangerous to keep someone who can't even use magecraft here."[/color] [color=7ea7d8]"Still, though, it seems..."[/color] [color=a2d39c]"I know, I'm not comfortable with it either, but this is for the best. If we succeed, then there won't be anything to worry about, but if we fail then I want them to live on instead of dying because of the mistakes of an old fool."[/color] [color=7ea7d8]"Old? You barely look a day over three hundred."[/color] [color=a2d39c]"Ha, you're hardly one to talk."[/color] [color=7ea7d8]"..."[/color] [color=a2d39c]"..."[/color] [color=7ea7d8]"...so, it's finally happening, huh? It's, well, all of this is finally starting to set in."[/color] [color=a2d39c]"It is, but don't worry. This time...this time, we'll definitely reach it. For everyone's wishes, and for her."[/color] [color=7ea7d8]"...You've still never answered me, you know. What was she to you?"[/color] [color=a2d39c]"..."[/color] [color=7ea7d8]"A-Ah, I'm sorry, it didn't mean to come out like that, I just-"[/color] [color=a2d39c]"-Have I really still not? I could have sworn..."[/color] [color=7ea7d8]"I, um, no...I don't think so."[/color] [color=a2d39c]"Hm. Well, she was...ha, if I had to sum it up, I suppose you could call her my salvation."[/color] [hr] [b][center]DAY ONE[/center][/b] Welcome. As a Master, you have come to this city in pursuit of the 726th Holy Grail and the wish that it promises. As a result, there is only one path to follow: the destruction of all Masters other than yourself. All alliances that you forge are fragile, ready to shatter at the slightest touch. Some of you have summoned your Servants already after arriving in Fuyuki while some have yet to do so, but what is shared amongst you is that you have arrived in foreign spiritual land. Such things as workshops, integral to a magus, will need to be built from scratch, if at all. Given that this is the case, most magi will likely turn their eyes towards one of the four fallen leylines of the city, the highest-grade spiritual land which serves as ideal locations for creating a base of operations. The Foreign Church that the overseer of the war presides over. The mountaintop temple that stands as the greatest spiritual land of the city. The Fuyuki Park in Shinto, the most public of these domains. And lastly, the abandoned house that lies south of the Matou estate, the former home of a forgotten line of magi, under constant watch. So go forth, fight for your goal of that omnipotent cup which can grant any wish. Perhaps this time, a miracle will occur. Perhaps this time, a more beautiful world will be created. Perhaps this time, the endless search for an ephemeral dream will come to an end. Perhaps.