[hr] [center][h1][color=8dc73f]Amelia Payne[/color][/h1] [img]http://orig07.deviantart.net/700d/f/2016/229/f/a/strawberry_blonde_long_hair_by_rivaan-dae94m5.jpg[/img] Location: The walls -> Building 7 (Rec Center) . [/center] [hr] [color=8dc73f] “Same could be said for those jungle canibal tribes, but they do fine use of their bony instruments.”[/color] Amelia replied with a joking voice to Riley, feeling all happy inside now. Having a friend was incredibly good feeling, especially a friend like Riley. She was in Amelia's list as one of the two most important people to her. When the people of Newnan returned to their posts and relieved them of their watchmen duties, Amelia sighed in relieve, moving down from the wall with the rest of the group. She hated being up there, especially in the cold. Down in the walls and among the buildings was actually a little bit more bearable for some reason. Still from the sounds of it, they missed quite the revelations and chaos it seemed. Not surprising some people caused damages... Amelia was actually glad she was up on the wall when that happened. Still to call everyone for that reason was rather... curios. Then again you couldn't know how people to react if a person shows up looking like someone they once knew, especially in the world being what it was. [color=8dc73f] “Thank you, Riley. I will come along.”[/color] Amelia replied with a smile, wanting to help out her friend. She then also threw a look at Chloe.[color=8dc73f]” I want to help out too.”[/color] As they moved over to the Rec Center, new interesting tidbits of appeared. That said things about this wedding had the chances to turn messy if chaos was to happen. She wondered if she should expect a brawl... A brawl was something many seemed to like. Amelia then noticed that Riley shivered somewhat. She smiled to herself and quickly took off Riley's jacket, placing it on her friend's shoulders and returning it.[color=8dc73f]” Here, you can take it back now. I'm fine now that we aren't on the wall and won't be outside.”[/color] She said, smiling and not wanting to see Riley shivering like that because of her. [color=8dc73f] “Well... nothing to lose with at least trying, right? I mean if we find something – great, if we don't then we at least tried to.”[/color] Amelia said, throwing a look at Chloe. She always hoped the two can get to be more friendly eventually, especially since Riley was such a good friend to her.