[sub]Note to non-british people that don't get teh orgin of the brit slang for the M270, as it was a joint US/UK thing originally called the "General Support Rocket System" or GSRS, and thus teh gridsquare-backronymn. As it was never officially called that in US nomenclature, the "removal-service" bit went over most people's heads and they called it based more on form than function.[/sub] I think we call it somthing of a big woodland-camo grid-square [i]eraser[/i]. [url=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/82/MLRS-system.JPEG]Because of its brick-like lozenge shape.[/url] -The rockets themselves are known as steel/Iron Rain. Those who named it off of function tended to refer to it as a commander's personal shotgun, as it could lay-down some mighty impressive counter-battery fire in the event of surprise-artillery (and as that threat became a non-issue, as a 70km sniper rifle [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M110_howitzer]much like its 203mm older brother[/url]). --In short, [i]it's the artillery-incarnate version of the A-10 Warthog.[/i] For all the oopsies field commanders may see in need of removal to look fit and proper. Strangely enough, you get desensitized to it. The vehicles tend to stay the same. Sometimes they come back a little more or a little less banged-up than usual. [i]Since this is kinda where MRAPs that run over landmines end-up.[/i]