[h2]Sir Tyaethe Radistirin[/h2] "Use the skin to disguise themselves. Ingredients in some foul ritual. Or just destroy their identity. The Roses don't attract those who deal with any form of necromancy," Tyaethe stated, voice monotone as she rose, "We need to return the body to Aimlenn for that." The paladin was far more composed than she had been on the revelation that Cal's rebellion was still trying to destroy the land. Her anger against necromancers in general had burnt down a long time ago--but not the hatred. And from her reaction in the Cal Family mausoleum, there was no question of what would happen as soon as they worked out where the necromancer must have gone. Without rest or sleep, they would be hunted down. [hr] [h2]Lilianna Belwiss[/h2] It was the presumptuousness of the nobility all over again. Simply because of the circumstances of his birth, this young man seemed to cleave to the notion that the plan he had worked out before even coming here was superior to anything that the knights could come up with--even though, as a magic user, he hardly had the time to devote to the arts of war that an organisation such as the Iron Roses was founded around. Even with the requirements of religion and ceremony, they [i]still[/i] had more of their lives to spend on the finer points of warfare and tactics. Unfortunately, most people didn't have the authority or prestige needed to simply tell these sorts of people how cocky they were being--directly, at least. "There seem to be two points of failure to your plan that haven't been considered. The foremost is that Fanilly has every ability to refuse to a role that uses her as bait--particularly when this was constructed without any input despite her critical role. The second is attributing a level of gullibility to these cultists that assumes a force of size equal to the knights, travelling with the captain, could ever be mistaken for a mercenary band," the grey-haired woman replied, keeping other objections to herself--the pointlessness of trying to disguise an entire order with some distinctive equipment. Or questioning why he, who underestimated them significantly, thought that they would be able to take on the [i]entire[/i] force harassing Thaeln when half their number couldn't simply hunt them down. Let alone how distasteful his views on letting them run rampant over the countryside whilst waiting to put this plan into action...